We really need a drama Dear Abbie

Aug 02, 2007 11:23

Why Why Love makes me want to write those 'Dear [---]' letters in manner of advice columnists. Because they need it.


Dear Huo Da's Father, Whose Name I Can't Be Bothered to Remember,

Does a drama world really need a Denethor of its own? I think not.

Yeah, your youngest is totally acting out: he doesn't work for your company, he rides motorcycles (and gets into accidents), he puts you into uncomfortable situations in public by making you cough up $$$ for charity.

Let's review this. Maybe, just maybe, I dunno...he is acting out so you'd notice him? And maybe if you showed you cared for him even a little bit, it would help? It might also stop him from being antagonistic towards his elder brother whom you view as a perfect son?

Also, asking your assistant if your elder son has arrived yet, and then when she says your younger one arrived instead, replying 'I don't care about that' is horrid but put-uppable with, but your actions on finding out your sons are in an accident are...how shall I put it? Not so much. Asking about the elder son, and being told his condition, and then when the person telling you continues to tell you about the condition of your younger son, replying 'I have no interest in that whatsoever' is...makes me want to brain you with a bat with nails in it.

We all know what happened to Denethor. He became roast dish on top of a tower. Why there are no orcs in the drama world to push you over the edge of sanity, and thus get the same fate escapes me.

No love,



Dear Huo Da,

Please, stop being a brat and GROW UP.

Yeah, your Dad wouldn't care if you expired in front of him. And your Mom died of a broken heart. And the girl you crushed on since childhood prefers your older brother.

Tough. I agree.

But hello??? There's Jia Die. She is cute, loving, and funny. Given half an encouragement, she could go for you in a big way. Most importantly (for your purposes), you have totally fallen for her.

So STOP TEASING HER. The whole 'showing your love by pulling pigtails' phase should be over by the time you are five. OK?

Keep on that merry road of denying to her you like her, and she will end up going for your perfect older brother. How will you like crushing on your sister in law then? Not so much.

Repeat after me: 'I like you, Jia Die.'

See? Not so hard.



Dear Jia Die,

You've got Mike He there. In a rare drama when he has good hair AND doesn't die of angst. Plus, both his legs are broken so he can't get away fast. What are you waiting for? Jump him. For the sake of all the women of the world who only wish they could.

Pretty please?

P.S. Provide pictures.



Dear Jia Die's family,

Please go die in a corner.



Dear Huo Yan,

You don't need any advice. You are awesome just the way you are.

Oh wait, I do have a bit of advice. Don't fall for the oddball girl nursing your brother. You will only get your heart broken, and that will make me unhappy.

Willing to provide phone number,

On that note, here are some Why Why Love screencaps.

Well, they are only nominally WWL, as they are mainly to showcase Mike He's hotness when emo.


And because you can't have a TW drama without WTF. Talk about a misleading picture:

doramas9, mike he, advice to fictional characters, screencaps, why why love, rainie yang

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