Am back!

Jul 22, 2007 23:56

Back from Bermuda, which was incredibly fabulous: the food was yummy (fish chowder!), the houses brightly painted, the towns sleepy, small and incredible, the harbors picturesque, the water aquamarine. And yes, the sand is literally pink. Our hotel was incredible, a former mansion: so pretty and homey. I even had a geek moment as our ferry's name was 'Serenity.' Didn't see Mal on board though (Mr. Mousie referencing a song line from DDLJ wins for the geek moment though).

Of course, every book store on the island had Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows sold out (I know, I checked). And so did the one bookstore I stopped by back home.

Anyway, I promise to reply to everyone's comments, and I will try to slog through flist, but I have a feeling it will be insanely hard after over two days being gone.

So please please, point me towards you Deathly Hallows posts. Please?

personal, hp, travel, harry potter

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