What's in your spam box?

Jul 04, 2007 15:06

Mr. Mousie and I went to two separate Fourth of July parades today. A small local one and the gigantic all-city one.

Wherein Mr. Mousie proved how well he knows me. One of the floats/marching groups was 'Taiwanese-Americans' so I joke-whispered to Mr. Mousie whether it would be OK to yell 'I love your dramas!' to which he replied: 'Yeah, right. You just want to ask 'Do you have such-and-such's phone number?'' LOL.

Will get to replies shortly. Promise. But for now: I have always wanted to do it.

Behind the cut are the subject lines of all the emails that today were located in the spam filter of my inbox. There is a certain anarchic creativity to them:

1. Hope u like it

[not your spelling, that's for sure]

2. gratifying satellite

[intriguingly free-form]

3. Prepare Now or Pay Later

[rather messianic in a bloodthirsty fashion]

4. Any new idea


5. Whats up

[misguided optimist. Any friend likely to email me knows how to spell]

6. Is this correct

[see point 5]

7. Great chance for u

[yes, to avoid spam]

8. womanly avocado pit

[OK, this is a bit kinky. If it was James Joyce trying to be frisky]

9. Re:

[Oh, come on. Try to be original, at least]

10. Only we can help u out

[Would I trust someone who doesn't know how to spell 'you?']

11. Summer Loving: Send Them a Blast!

[speaks for itself]

12. presenting funding with ease

[Really? I want to invest in that nifty Brooklyn Bridge]

13. eh shin impinge

[I don't speak Esperanto]

14. Forget it

[if you insist]

15. high-quality V1agra, C1al1s and other medz.

[I would trust someone who doesn't know how to use spell-checker with medications? Yeah. Also, wrong gender!]

doramas9, mousie, spam

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