Oh. My. GOD

Mar 27, 2007 07:49

OMG! This will not make sense to anyone who hasn't seen Delightful Girl Chun-Hyang but OMG OMG OMG he's just found her notebook!

I am crying.

I am jetlagged and with too little sleep and I am bawling.

But she has all the articles about him and she wrote on the side over and over 'Mong Ryong, Mong Ryong, I love you, I love you' and it's as if she's never been able to tell him but she finally must somewhere and OMG OMG OMG...

And he starts crying a little, and whispers 'silly girl' and OMG OMG OMG OMG


Gosh, my DGCH write-up when I do one is going to be huge!

delightful girl chun-hyang, doramas4

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