Hana Yori Dango 2, ep 11 liveblogging

Mar 16, 2007 23:14

Episode 11. That's it, folks. The last one! I am afraid I'll faint from the excitement!!!

And you know what? BEST EP EVER. Handan is definitely going into my Top 10 dramas.

ETA: Ohhhh, poor Makino looks riddled with nerves.

ETA: And Domyouji is gone. I bet with evil Umi. diediedie.

ETA: Oneeeeeeesan! I love her shirt. I wonder what she is talking about with Bitch!Kaede?

ETA: Rui and his awesome car. I wonder where he is taking Tsukushi? I hear 'Hana Yori Dango' YAY.

ETA: What is Bitch Umi doing in Domyouji's house? STAB. DIE. Junpei come back and kidnap her instead! And don't let her go!

ETA: OMG! Woobies. I love that Makino finally yells at him and he is so lost. Poor guy. I can't blame him but I can blame bitch Umi!

ETA: What is she telling Makino now? Die. Can someone hire a gang to kill her. Can she move to a really sad kdrama and get an incurable disease? PLEASE.


ETA: Yes, I know, amnesia, but I hope you'll feel bad when you get your memories back.

ETA: *cuddles Makino*

ETA: *ogles Domyouji*

ETA: *stabs Umi. With a rusty fork*

ETA: Dammit, you are not allowed to make Makino cry. Punch things and yell? Yes. Cry? No.

ETA: OMG! And he sees! And I love how it's bothering him to see her unhappy even if he doesn't know why, because his emotional memory is still there.

ETA: OMG! And she throws the Saturn Necklace at him. And he looks so heart-broken and little lost boy and doesn't know why! I am totally sniffling.

ETA: And I love how protective F3 and Yuki are of Makino. And that room is awesome.

ETA: I love how Domyouji is bothered. Though is he wearing silver shoes/socks? Shouldn't be be bothered by that? I don't suppose it's because the designer brilliantly wanted to indicate his inner turmoil :D

ETA: Umi. Stop with the wiles. You know, I am seriously thinking homicide is sometimes justified, here. F3 have enough $$$ to hush it up.

ETA: what the hell is the BITCH telling him?

ETA: Love Makino being violent with the fish :D


ETA: Thank you!

ETA: Soujiro is leading Yuki away and there is body contact. Yes. Am pathetic shipper. Too bad. Or not!

ETA: I love how Rui just ignores Umi and walks away like she is trash. See. Smart.

ETA: Makino, why don't you punch Umi in her nasty face?

ETA: But gotta love the F3, such shippers, coming up with plans to reunite the OTP :D

ETA: You know, Makino? There is no one around, and the two of you are alone in the bath. If you push her under and hold her there, no one will know. Do it!

ETA: F3 in the snow! Must be my birthday! Plotting to separate evil Umi from Domyouji. Yes. Must be my birthday.

ETA: Domyouji looks so hot all intense and serious and quiet with a tie!!!

ETA: I love the way that scene is filmed, with the silouettes.

ETA: Umi, if I hear your dumb voice sing-song 'Tsukasa-kun' one more time, I am goin to punch my computer screen. Let's avoid it, shall we? How about you wander out in despair and freeze to death? Deal?

ETA: Did I get it correctly? Bitch baked him cookies and he tasted it and threw it down because they do not taste like the Cookies of Love? Of course not, silly. Because they aren't Makino's. EEEE!

ETA: I love the snow. So pretty. Especially when Rui is playing violin on the windowsill.

ETA: OMG, Domyouji is still holding on to that necklace. YES.


ETA: That BITCH just sent Makino out into a raging snow storm (claiming Yuki was out there) because the boyfriend she tried to get through lying (and who was Makino's to start with) finally figured out she is a fake.

ETA: I have no words.


ETA: Now they are all 'where is Makino' and BITCH UMI tries to sneak away but OMG! Rui is faster than you. And smarter than you. I love you, Rui.

ETA: OMG! And Domyouji just found out. And OMG


ETA: OMGOMGOMG. He just took off. Running. As soon as her heard. Though he doesn't remember her. No pause, it's like his subconscious took over, it's the 'Makino is in trouble, must save her' radar he has built in and cannot turn it off. I think that might be one of the biggest proofs of his love for her: it's as natural as breathing, for him. No hesitation like he had post accident, no nothing. Just sheer action (heee, maybe Makino should have just put herself in deadly peril and he'd remember her :D)

ETA: Love Rui grinning after Domyouji.

ETA: OMG poor frozen Makino. Just lying there. Imagining herself as a lawyer or buying a big house for her family. Oooooh.

ETA: OMG OMG OMG! She is in a gorgeous weddding dress in her dreams and getting married to Domyouji! I see icon makers going mad.

ETA: And he is there in RL, trying to wake her up!!!! SQUEEEE. Oh my OTP.

ETA: And he is freaking out and he is so tender and he is giving her his goggles and he is carrying her and omg omg omg OMG. Yes, this liveblog is sorta incoherent.

ETA: I wonder what Ken is telling Kaede (who I hope is at least a little worried for her son).

ETA: OMG! We get the flashback to that meeting between Ken and Domyouji and instead of hitting him, Domyouji keeps asking him if he's OK and then is 'I am glad.' And he is crying and sort of collapses onto him. Oh, you poor boy. You poor poor boy. The thing is, when Domyouji loves, he gives it his all, and then he loves so much so for him to live with the 'guilt' must have been unbearable and forgiveness of someone he loved so made sense. OMG.

ETA: OMG! Makino and Domyouji are in the abandoned house and he gives her his coat (alas, I don't think this version will have them stripping to their skivvies) and his hair is straightened from the wet and OMG! LOVE.

ETA: OMG! He gave her his heavy coat and put her next to the fire and he is sitting further off so as not to get in the way of her getting warm and he is either so cold or so sick from being out in the cold without sufficient warm clothes (as he gave her his) that he is shaking non-stop and he is clutching his arms and he is wearing a gorgeous white shirt and there are no WORDS FOR HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM RIGHT NOW.

ETA: And he just collapses and is burning up. I love that he couldn't even allow himself to collapse until he saw she was OK. It's as if once he saw she's OK and came to, he relaxed enough to allow himself to be really sick. There are no words for your awesomeness, Domyouji.

ETA: OMG, how much do I love you, Hanadan, for giving me hurt/comfort? LOVE.

ETA: OMG! It's such a callback to their first date: them in an enclosed space, him sick, her bullying him to take meds. I wonder if that is what will make him remember?

ETA: OMG! Scarf!

ETA: Is he beginning to remember now? OMG OMG.

ETA: OMG! He remembers! I love that you can tell the precise moment the 'switch flips on' on MatsuJun's face. He is so good.

ETA: And she is crying and he says 'Makino' in that special voice he uses only for her and she punches him in the arm, crying and laughing at once and he gives her the Saturn Necklace and I am tearing up, especially when I think that he went through that crazy rescue when he didn't remember her consciously. OMG. So so so OTP.

ETA: He is about to put the necklace back on her. And he is all weak but happier than we've seen him for ages (when he was with Umi, who he thought was his gf, there was no such feeling but with Makino he sparkles). And she is smiling and teary eyed. Oh God. They are adorable. They are beyond adorable. I am crying from sheer joy.

ETA: The way he looks at her. Total adoration. Such a shining look. And that is the way she looks back at him.



ETA: And he was sweeping her hair back.

ETA: Is it hot here or is it just me?

ETA: Inoue Mao and MatsuJun have crazy chemistry together.

ETA: And now they are both laughing. And there is touching. And hugging.

ETA: I am making CRAZY noises now.

ETA: And she is grabbing his shoulders and he is stroking her hair (such a thing of mine) and they are rocking back and forth and OMG OMG.

ETA: All these episodes of angst were WORTH it.


ETA: And they are asleep in each other's arms! And they look so peaceful!

ETA: I love how she is so enveloped by him: her face in his chest and her head on one o his arms and he has the other one over her, holding her close.

ETA: I am crying.

ETA: I am an idiot and I don't care.

ETA: I want an icon of this SO BADLY. heck, I think I'll learn to screencap!

ETA: And soldiers come in (rescue people?) sort of like construction workers did in S1.

ETA: LOL. Bickering. I love how unless it's life or death in which case they'll die for each other, they are totally bickering. Heeee.

ETA: Ohhh, I love Soujiro and Akira telling Yuki Makino is OK. And Soujiro touches her head! Eeee.

ETA: Umi is all 'gomenasai' but while I don't care if you live or die now, in the throes of my OTP happiness, I really wish you'd go far far away.

ETA: I lied. I still care. DIE BITCH.

ETA: I have no clue what Rui just told her but I hope it was nasty.

ETA: Why is Tsukushi in the paper?

ETA: Heee, it looks like through saving that elderly man, Makino rescued Domyouji Corp. Take that, Kaede! Or actually, I have no clue what's going on but it looks like if Kaede wants the company to live, she has to be nice to Makino?

ETA: Oneeeesan!

ETA: Domyouji and Kaede meeting on the roof. I wonder why. But then I forget to wonder as I am too busy ogling Domyouji in the pinstriped suit.

ETA: Tsubaki and Domyouji reunion. CUTE! I love how he is so happy in general post the cabin in the woods. EEEE.

ETA: Domyouji sent her a red dress? EEEE. Hideous dress though but what can you expect of a guy who thinks silver lamee shoes are the height of fashion?

ETA: LOL. And now they are stuck in the car on the way there. Oh Makino family, never stop.

ETA: Oh God, Umi. I don't care if you are trying to be nice. DIE.

ETA: Oh Rui. You still have a torch for Shizuka? I knew it. I knew it. Maybe the two of you crazy kids will work it out one day, and become a gorgeous tall couple for good.

ETA: Makino is running now. EEEE.

ETA: Sakurako, I missed ya, you crazy hyper freak!

ETA: Heeee. Yuki and Dango Shop Owner are there with Soujiro and Akira. Heeee.




ETA: In the most hideous outfit known to man. We have come full circle. From bad fashion at the start, to bad fashion at the end. Just how it should be.

ETA: Kaede? Blocking Makino's path? What does she want?

ETA: Kaede is letting her have a ride in the car so she'd get there sooner? Or wish her luck? Or something equally benign? OMG. Who killed Kaede and replaced her with Kaedebot? And where can I wire my thanks?

ETA: Ohhhh, is poor Makino so late she missed her Prom?

ETA: EEEEE! It's Domyouji!!!! Walking out of the dark!!!

ETA: I am a bit incoherent now.






ETA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: Did


ETA: Just

ETA: Propose?

ETA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: I am deaaaaad.

ETA: And he stretches out his hand.

ETA: And she starts walking towards him.

ETA: And they smile.

ETA: And she takes his hand.

ETA: (You have to understand that I am coherent now only though force of will. I am literally screaming at the computer).

ETA: And he picks her up.




ETA: The lights go on and it's a stadium full of people (I love how Domyouji is confident enough to do this in front of a crowd. Ore-sama indeed). And confetti. A shower of confetti.

ETA: I am sorry, the rest of this is brought to you by grinning, gibbering wreck formerly known as dangermousie.

ETA: And he is holding her and smiling.

ETA: OMG!!!!!!!!

ETA: The way he is looking at her. Pleased and slightly possessive and very very happy.

ETA: !!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: And everyone is there.

ETA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: I am screaming now.




ETA: And now she is dancing with the rest of F4 and mmmm, Soujiro looks YUM in the suit.

ETA: Nishida. Back to being happy and reconciled with Kaede yay.

ETA: OMG, did Domyouji just call Tsukushi's Dad 'Father?' OMG OMG

ETA: Akira and the twin sisters and the mother, heee.

ETA: Soujiro/Yuki teasing.

ETA: Why did you give your violin away, Rui? And more importantly, why must the last shot of you be so unbearably gorgeous?







ETA: This is my drama of the year!!!

ETA: !!!

ETA: I am sad it's over. No more Hanadan. NO. But oh baby, what a way to go!

inoue mao, hana yori dango 2, oguri shun, matsujun, liveblogging, doramas4, hana yori dango

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