A picspam to further encourage anyone on my friends list to check of Tree of Heaven, a ten-episode Korean series that features (in no particular order):
* Hot mute boys that draw their OTP. Wearing more clothes than Kate Winslet in Titanic but minus the tacky necklace.
* Step-sibling love. It's got all the forbidden factor without the actual ick.
* Lots and lots of snow and people clearly immune to hypothermia because they seem to spend hours throwing/playing/lying in it without getting frostbite.
* An OTP full of angsty stares and kissing through glass.
* Wicked family members that make you want to stab them in the face.
* Dramatic voiceovers. "Dear viewer, today, I ate some toast. While eating, I was thanking the Lord for providing me with a new stepbrother who might be utterly messed-up but is also incredibly hot. Dear Lord, am I too old to insist on sleepovers?"
* Guy and girl who wipe each other's tears. While looking hot.
* Soulful, angsty music played with the least excuse.
Basically, what are you waiting for? Hie ye to
jdramas to dl.
Yoon-Suh would tell you to do it. Except he is mute from trauma until cured by love:
Leads in RL:
The glass scene:
Would it be any kind of my picspam if there wasn't shirtlessness?
And a wallpaper: