So yeah.
Battlestar Galactica.
Short summary: no body, no death. I haven't read/watched seven billion things since childhood for nothing. So unless we see a body or Katee Sachoff signing on for a different show, I am on the 'Kara is around' badwagon.
Meanwhile, I vote HeloAnders and Lee engage in working out their issues and grief through sexing each other. Come on, you know you want to see it. They can take turns wearing blonde wigs and calling each other 'Kara' in bed. Leoben can videotape.
I am also amused to note I got friended by
starbuckisdead. If the intent was to spoil, talk about a wasted effort. There hasn't been a spoiler I haven't attacked and devoured :D Ahhhh, it makes one feel warm fuzzies to be 'cool' enough to be on trolling list.
Yes, I will have proper meta. Either full of woe or not. Depending. Right now am cranky about it all. Aeryn Mark 2 in DMD of Farscape this isn't. *cranky*
If she really is dead? I won't say I'll stop watching, but my interest does plummet down significantly. Don't screw it up, RM. You got a tough act to pull off, here.