Tree Of Heaven is my newest shiny. Yes, I am hopeless

Mar 02, 2007 22:47

Oh, help me, help me doramaholics anonymous! For I am such a dorama ho!

I am already watching a dozen dramas, half of them actively, including Beautiful Love, which I have been mainlining. Yet, what do I do tonight?

Start yet another one! I need help. Heeeeeeelp. The culprit? Korean drama (which is partially set in Japan), Tree of Heaven (also known as Heaven's Tree). But how could I resist?

We have forbidden sibling love which is not really taboo enough to squick but enough to bring on the guilt (they are stepsiblings who meet high-school age). We have the cheerful, warm-hearted girl and the broken gorgeous boy who needs healing so badly. We have beautiful people running in the snow. And, this not being a light kdrama, we have a tragic ending. (I haven't seen it, so I might be wrong, but I am betting on it).

I am in love. Ten minutes in, this is added to the roster. I fall in love with dramas often, so it's very possible I'll cool off later, but for now, it's my new shiny.

Just to give a little taste, we open the drama with a snowy cemetery and a girl of about 10 playing in the snow. A voiceover (one of my favorite drama things) kicks in. Hana, the heroine, was brought up in Japan (I think she is Japanese) but her father to whom she looked up, died before she was ten. She says when she was a child, she'd run in his footsteps in the snow, feeling all enveloped, her tiny feet in his grown-up foot-steps. Ahhh, kdrama philosophy. Fast-forward some time ago. Hana is now a young, high-school age woman, whose mother has remarried. So Hana, who is an open, warm-hearted, cheerful (not to mention pretty) girl is practicing her almost-non-existent Korean, preparing to meet her new 'Dad' and her new 'brother' (his son from the previous marriage). But when she meets them at the airport, her new 'oppa' is nowhere to be seen and 'Dad' says he is outside.

So Hana goes to fetch him, discovering a figure standing by the fence, covered in snow, and not noticing the cold or the weather at all. She tries out her Korean with a smile, but he won't turn at all at first, and then when he does (after she's blurted out 'oppa, I love you'), she is startled to see three very awesome things: (1) he has tears in his eyes; (2) he is barefoot! In the snow! Holding his shoes in his hands and (3) he is BLOODY GORGEOUS!!!

And he just walks off, into the snow, still barefoot, and she follows him, because she doesn't want him to be lost in the snow like her Dad.

And I am SOLD.

Did I mention that he has some sort of mental trauma after the death of his mother? And she is going to heal him! Only for them to have a doomed, forbidden love affair! YAY!

South Korea=Knowledge of what dangermousie wants to watch.

Don't believe me?

image Click to view

And this is my favorite one and I dare you to watch it and not want to see the drama but it spoils the ending completely:

image Click to view

And a third for good measure:

image Click to view

ETA: And after seeing the following MV, I simply must watch Stairway to Heaven. Ahhh, angsty love.

image Click to view

korean, youtube, tree of heaven, stairway to heaven, doramas4

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