Goong picspam of awesome cuteness, part II

Feb 15, 2007 18:52

Still in the effort to lure smartylibrarian

49 pics behind cut, so dial-up users beware...

And this pic sums it all up:

If this was any cuter, puppies would be born:

I love this pic:

Shin, looking every inch the repressed woobie. A very hot, very rich repressed woobie:

GUH. OTP. *is dead*:

Mush and angst. Yay:

I have no idea what these are, but so freaking pretty:

Chae-Gyung perving on Shin's back. You know, whenever I try to imagine a sex scene between the two, I brain shuts down. I can't imagine how it would go:

More of the ill-assorted pair:

The only thing better than period clothes, are hot guys wearing the same:

She shall corrupt you with the cuteness! What next, mind-melting kissing scenes?

Let's start with stripping, at least. With that many clothes, you both shall die virgins (btw, whose bright idea was it to dress Chae-Gyung in that if they wanted an heir. I think a Victoria's Secret negligee would have worked much better):

Though hey, partial success:

There are few things more awesome than this pic:

Chae-Gyung, making me want to switch my preferences:

Shin, making me not want to, after all, as I wouldn't have enough time to contemplate the hot like this:

Shin, gorgeous in suits:

And looking emo-hot in casual wear:

I want a lollipop this big:

*is dead of cute*

He is about 12 feet taller than she is, isn't he? *happy sigh*

OTP with emo lighting:

Did he kill the clothes designer's cat on his first day on set? Look at that shirt! But I'd rather look at the smile:

Chae-Gyung being a nut:


Just got better:

How could you not love Chae-Gyung:

Let me help you with your extremely well-bred, repressed angst, oh tea freak:

The fab four:

Looking like they are out of a catalog. Yul is trying to look deep with partial success:

I like my wedding outfit better:

Shin goes Mob:


I am not big on Yul/Chae-Gyung except as friendship, but they are so very pretty:

And Yul is very pretty by himself:

'I just met a girl named Maria, and suddenly that name will never be the same to meeeeee. Mariaaaaaaaaa'

Royal Family with baby!Shin, looking cute enough to almost make me forgive his horrible father. Oops, not quite. Nothing shall make me keep pitchforks from arguably the worst dorama father out there:


I couldn't care less if Hyo-Rin drowned, but in the interests of fairness, here is a pic of her:


And I end on the pic I used before, but I love it, so there:

To be continued in Part III, coming soon to a LJ near you...

korean, goong, hot men 2, eye candy 2, doramas3

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