If any of you had been on my flist for over a few months you know that I adore Firefly. Almost as much as I do Farscape. And that I thought Serenity was the best movie of 2005 and that my ships of choice for the show are Mal/Inara and Kaylee/Simon.
With that in mind, I bring you:
Firefly does Moulin Rouge. This is a vid I found on youtube and it made me crack up like a crazy crazy maniac. It's hilarious (the mere thought of Mal as Christian is...bwaaaaaaaa) and it's M/I and hey, why not.
I stopped my Firefly rewatch after Ariel (I think it was my third complete rewatch also? Or fourth?). Must really continue in between Farscape.
There is a reason why my subheader is a Mal quote.
And now I need to dig out my Firefly icons...