Majo No Jouken: are they TRYING to kill me?

Aug 21, 2006 15:49

Actually, since I watched all of MnJ through eps 10 this weekend, here is the rest of the write-up.

OK, Episode 8 was going to give me a heart-attack

That scene with Michi being taken away in a police car and the car with Hikaru in it (who is only going with Momster because he is really hurt) stopping right there and she sees him? I was literally yelling 'look up look up look up' at the screen. And then they look at each other and OMG. And she holds up her hand with the ring but what he sees instead is the handcuffs she is in. And then he yells at Momster to stop the car but she won't and he raises himself above the seat even though he's in pain and they stare at each other. GUH.

The scene with the shrink was really well done. All those questions making Michi into some kind of deviant and they are understandable questions but of course it is unbearable for Michi because it makes a mockery of her love. And I love the fact that she hid the ring.

Oh, and Hikaru being just as stubborn and Kinoshita arranging a meeting and OMG. They are running towards each other. LOVE. But then Michi's friend betrays her (I suppose because she is thinking she will always be second to Michi in Kitai's heart. Ugh. They deserve each other) and there is screaming again. Mine. And they see the people and they hold hands.

And of course, this time in jail she is not able to keep the ring and Hikaru decides to give her up to keep her from jail, and the scene where (to prove to his Mother he is over Michi) he burns her photo? Whoa. And then in the airport, he takes off his ring and drops it at her feet. Talk about angst.

A part of me just wants to tell the poor OTP: wait for less than a year and then everything will be OK. Don't do it to yourself. But I guess for them it would be admitting that society is right and their love is wrong. Still. Hard-headed=good in this case.

But it's a good thing no heart attack in ep 8, because eps 9 and 10 were certainly even more scream-inducing.

So, Michi is pregnant. And Hikaru wrote her a letter which her Dad tore up. EEEEK! And then Hikaru comes back from LA to look for her and they keep missing each other and I love how he touches his bare finger, on the spot where the ring was. And then they find each other and there is running which I LOVE and then she faints and there is almost a miscarriage, but scarily, 9 is a hell of a lot more cheerier than 8.

Also, Crazy Mother? Saying things like 'you are exactly like your father. The man I loved at first sight' isn't going to convince me about you not being a Jocasta wannabe. I am glad his mom got fired. Now all we need is for a truck to back over her. Also, almost poisoning your son? Not such a hot idea.

And now Michi's left Hikaru for his own good. OK, enough with the self-sacrificing. Be selfish! What do they think this is, Mars? But it did result in that lovely scene of his running after her.

majo no jouken, doramas

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