Gokusen: Go watch it. Now.

Aug 03, 2006 01:05

Yeah, it's 1am and I don't feel like going to bed because that means I have to stop watching Gokusen. Who is that zombie you see wandering the street in the morning? Oh, it's only dangermousie, who is ODing on doramas.

I have just finished Ep 3 and GLEE. The gleeest glee that ever gleed. It gets better and better. I must say, I love the format, where each ep she helps a student with some problem or other, but also the story itself is progressing. I also love that we learn more and more about each of the students. They stopped being a mass of guys and are all individuals to me. I really liked the ep about Uchi (played by the guy who played Rui in HYD, and looking hot here too). I just felt so bad for him and the bit near the end where he joins his mother in an apology so she won't do it alone is lovely.

But I am a total goner for Shin. Goner, goner, goner, goner. Much as I find him attractive, it's not really the looks. I genuinely like the character. You get the sense of someone who really is smart (probably smarter than anyone he hangs around with) and is always somewhat reserved and holding back (Yankumi comments repeatedly on a facial expression of his that she has no idea what he's thinking). And he really takes care of his 'guys:' he deals with their problems and he tries to help them out and he really is a good friend: the reason he was expelled from an earlier school for beating a teacher was to defend a friend, Yankumi's mst successful appeal about getting him to write an apology letter is to tell him his friend is really worried, and he goes looking for Minami who he knows is getting a beat-down even after Minami fought him. And he thinks Uichi is the one robbing people so he sort of tries to deflect Yankumi's investigation (I love the look of shock on his face when it turns out not to have been Uichi) and he is the one who tells Yankumi about Uchi's real situation. He's a good 'boss.' I think it's something Yankumi appreciates, actually, having come from the mob. And I wonder about his family background because he seems to be kinda wistful when he sees Uichi and his Mom's good relationship.

And yes, I am totally NOT crazy in seeing Yankumi/Shin vibes. I am cracking up that they have a prickly, friendly working relationship now (she saved him and Minami from a beatdown and he kinda thaws out towards her after that. Favors owed and al that, very mob). They don't interact in a teacher/student fashion, but more like equals in a structured setting. She smacks him on the shoulder and he gets all adorably defensive at the end of ep 3 when she comments that this is the first time he's called her Yankumi. She is a bit uncertain around him and she certainly can't boss him around. And they often seem to be paired together in scenes or in the background of scenes. She asks his opinions and she pesters him and it's squeeful. And he tells Uichi that he used to think it didn't matter or not whether he went to school but now, since the crazy teacher got here, something's changed. And Uichi looks at him and goes 'Yankumi?' and I love the look on Shin's face. He is TOTALLY crushing on her and I am not getting an 'ugh' vibe from her either. And they have psycho chemistry. So yeah. That special hell? Still going there. I think they should get married and rule the mob together.

I am definitely watching an anime of this, too. It's Netflixed already. I need some icons. Where can I find them? Thanks to fireball_says for hooking me on this.

gokusen, jdorama

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