Wherein I discover cultural products of Korea, the tastiness of Pockys and the horrors of multiships

Jul 24, 2006 21:25

catdecember, oh catdecember, guess what I tried? Inspired by this mv which looked interesting (aka cute guys and angst), I tried Goong. For all of you who are not catdecember, Goong is a very melodramatic romantic drama about a girl betrothed to a Prince blah blah blah. Knowing how Korean movies usually end, I am a bit paranoid about the end but we'll see. I am actually interested in watching more specifically Korean stuff as my exposure to the cultural products of Korea is very limited (three movies and a manhwa and a few fairy tales are about it).

Oh, and koalathebear, when I was in Chicago, I tried pockys and they are the best thing ever (especially the strawberry ones). Now I need to figure out where I can get them here.

And I've watched ep 16 of Ouran and woe is me. I now like Hikaru with Haruhi too. Eeee.

Btw, sorry to everyone of flist who friended me because of BSG or Veronica Mars or Bollywood and is now seeing a stream of Asian entertainment (whether anime or jdorama) related stuff. I go through phases and this one will subside to a more normal average pretty soon. Promise.

ouran, korean, goong, anime4, pockys, food

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