We finished GetBackers last night and I feel a bit bereft. I want to see more of Ban, Ginji and the gang. Also, since the ending, while a good stopping point, doesn't wrap everything up (since the manga is still running), I keep wanting to know. Do Ban and Ginji and the rest take out Babylon City? Do we learn more about Ban's family and background? How about Himiko's curse? Does Shido's past, whatever it is, catch up with him and does he have to put his life on the line to protect Madoka as he swore (because those storylines certainly seemed to be a foreshadowing)? Do Ban and Himiko finally get their act together and just do it? Does Akabane finally get a dress sense and Hevn a shirt that covers ALL of ther breasts? (Unlikely but one lives in hope). Heck, do the boys ever get enough money to live on?
It's like I've seen this great thing, but I am greedy and want more.
I really loved the second Limitless Fortress arc. I do wish it went on for longer (see above :P), especially the Juubei-Toshiki fight. I wanted them to really go at it, instead of Kazuki doing the whole 'no, I really do appreciate you Toshiki, and your contribution is noted and I value all my former gangmembers and we are totally going to hand out flowers to passerby.' I don't have a problem with it because it's totally in character (and that is why Ren's crush on Kazuki=mine) but on a pure bloodthirsty mode, it would have been fun. I do have to say that I am rather amused that Toshiki's main reason for fighting against Our Guys was that he was all into Kazuki and was sort of the spurned suitor. I was cracking up at his whole 'I thought you only watched Juubei' (to Kazuki) or 'I was the strongest, but Kazuki only had eyes for you' (to Juubei). How to put it to you, Toshiki? I am grateful to you for reinforcing my OTP (I can't even call it slash as it's canon), but even though you've rejoined the good side because you've been shown you are appreciated, I don't think you can stay there for long, as appreciation or not, unless Kazuki is into threesomes (and for all I know he is), no matter how much Kazuki might praise you, you are still not his boyfriend. Juubei is. So no idea how long-lasting that whole thing is.
Also, never thought I'd say it during the first Limitless Fortress arc, but I really liked Makubex and was knda emo when I thought he died. But GB is a very kind anime, isn't it? Everyone gets a chance.
How much do I love Ban? Thiiiiiis much. He's certainly proved to be the best fighter in the series. I love how he takes Akabane apart (he knocks his hat off, eeeeee!) when he is serious, without breaking a sweat. I think he kinda got himself a (psycho, scary) fanboy now. And he smacks the guy with the earring, Babylon City resident, finally. You can't keep evading him forever by pulling out the old "Himiko is in danger" card, earring boy. And connected to that, I love that in the middle of implementing their grand, make LF independent plan, Ban's reaction when it's Himiko who is on the phone, plan-conducting? It's "are you sure you should be out of bed?" Heeeee. *pets the OTP*
I also love that Ban finally states out loud what we knew all along. Underneath that snarky, cynical exterior, he is in this business to help people, to protect them. Ginji and him really are good influences on each other, aren't they (and I love that aside from his immense power, what Ginji really wins through is his heart). But Ban being Ban, he points out to Akabane that if he gets killed he can't help people, so he is not going to just be slaughtered (and then takes Akabane apart. Yay!)
And I love Kazuki's point about Ren's existence. virtual or not, people care for her and think of her and she thinks of them, so untimately, virtual or not, this is real. Kazuki is probably one of the nicest, sweetest anime characters out there.
I love the very end of the last ep. As the boys head to their next assignment, we see our series regulars: Hevn, Hatsumi and Paul in the Honky Tonk, of course. Makubex sitting in the yard of LF, with Sakura next to him, and Emishi, Masaki and Ginji's father figure all around him (New VOLTS, re-formed). In another corner we see Juubei and Toshiki train together, with Kazuki observing. Akabane is walking down a city street. There are a few characters I am blanking on (who's the guy in a taxi). We see Himiko drive by on her bike and pausing her bike next to the boys' car and saying something inaudible to Ban. In my favorite bit of the bunch, we see Madoka walk with her seeing-eye dog across an overpass, and Shido following her, arms full of parcels and he trips and the parcels go flying (the joke of Shido, who is the most lone-wolf, independent guy of the bunch being so wrapped around Madoka's little finger will never be not funny. The tough fighter guy is sort of a kept man of a musician, heeeeee).
And then as the car drives off, you see Ban put his arm around Ginji's shoulders and they drive off to a new adventure and all is cool with the world.
I really must do a GB picspam now.