Badfic, glorious badfic

Jan 04, 2006 15:17

First, everyone should go and join vm_spork. Really.

Secondly, Good lord. I ventured into the Alexandre Dumas section of and am now scarred forever. They are so bad I can't even summarize.

Choice examples of summaries:

A story we wrote with a friend. Mostly Alexandre Dumas (Three Musketeers), also Bulgakov, Gerald Durell, P.G.Wodehouse, Èapek, Conan Doyle, The Beatles and Queen. If you find anyone else, let us know! About what a kingdom cancan't survive, very dramatic.

Not only does the author know about Bulgakov, she obviously knows words I don't. What is "cancan't?"

The Count of Monte Cristo suffers from Godly Angst.

Is it better than Studly Angst?

This is not true so don't use this info in your report or something! Reviw please!

Do I really need add anything?

Um… just something I typed up in 10 minutes due to lack of Monte Cristo fics, so don't expect perfect spellinggrammar. Dantes's collective thoughts from the moment he enters prison to the moment 14 years later. Fin (one-shot).

Don't expect me to read it, either.

See the title. I love making fun of stuff. I don't know why... It's just fun! Plus it makes people happy! So enjoy! Oh, and by the way, yes, I am crazy, and I am addicted to jellybeans and anything that contains sugar.

Is there any chance the jellybeans migrated to where your brain is?

When a young woman overhears Cardinal Richeleau's plans to take over the throne, she must turn to the only people who could help, before she is killed.

One could only wish they'd be too late.

A song fic using a song from the TransSiberian Orchestra's Beethoven's Last Night Soundtrack. Not good at summaries, but did my best.

And this tells me...nothing. Well done.

What happens when a young woman's youth is ripped from her? Will she go on without feeling, or will she learn to live again? Rating might go up, please R&R.

See above. Now with 90% more melodrama. I know the French are fond of cheese but I don't think that's what they mean.

Again, this is the same story as before but in English, as I was asked to do. Hope you enjoy it and send me some reviews telling me how could I continue.

How could you indeed?

This story is mostly based in two of the characters of this film, D'Artagnan and the Queen Mother Anne, although along the story they will all appeared. It's just an alternative way to end the film, what would have happened if D'Artagnan had been told abo

*tears hair out* Whoever came out with the movie should be shot. But not whoever came up with word limit for summaries.

D'Artagnan is told some sad news, by his sister. Deirdre, his sister, stays in the Academy, and some interesting things happen. (PAX Young Blades) Title may change.

And TV Execs should join those movie producers. Perhaps they should be forced to only watch their programming until their eyeballs bleed.

Based on Gankutsuou, the anime inspired by the Count of Monte Cristo (even if I like the book MUCH better) FranzAlbert. There will be one chapter for each of the 30 kisses theme so this will be a long run. I offer you the prologue here.

I have no words. But point for knowing the names of secondary characters, which is clearly more than the above authors could do.

Athos, Porthos, Aramis, and d'Artagnan, come across a girl dressed as a musketeer, who saves their lives from the Cardinel's men. WHo is she? What is her quest? Why did she risk everything for a group of Musketeer's that she did not even know?

Why doesn't she know how to spell "Cardinal?"

Based on the 1998 movie version of The Man in the Iron Mask Anne tells Aramis, Porthos, Athos, and Philippe about her affair with D'Artagnan.

Mind boggles.

CHAPTERS 7 AND 8 ARE UP! (A little too short of paragraphs, still havent gotten used to it) A girl rides into town, expecting to find her father and also hope to become a musketeer. R & R!

Then she better get a sex change pronto.

poems of life, love, hate, and everyday things we can all relate to.


It is the year of 2002. A girl inherits the treasures of the Count of Monte Cristo. Her family hunts her down and try to kill her for her fortunes. R/R!

They are aided in their quest by Mary Sue hunters everywhere.

Hope you like it! Send Reviews Please

I think this might be a bit too specific for me.

A crazy spanish woman runs into the 3 musketeers with disturbing news, that could be the demis of paris! what will they do?

"Demis of Paris?" Sounds like some kind of trendy boutique.

badfic, dumas, veronica mars

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