I barely watched any kdramas this year - while I continue to love the emotion and the gorgeous visuals of kdramas, I found myself missing the pace and complex darkness of some of the best Western shows. Plus, let's face it, this year so far has been rather disappointing.
And then came Cruel City, a jTBC drama that was nowhere on my radar - police stories are not high on my list of favorite things and the cast consisted of actors I am largely indifferent to. But one by one people whose opinions I value succumbed to Cruel City and I started seeing raves. So, despite the fact that I am bored by crooks-and-policemen stories, despite the fact that the leading man Jung Kyung Ho usually plays mild-mannered beta types that set my teeth on edge, I gave this a try.
HOLY FUCK. I have just finished episode 1 and I henceforth declare that if it keeps it up, this will end up being that rarity for any TV show - a perfect story, a masterpiece. I don't remember something so assuredly dark, so complex, so multi-layered since Mawang. Oh, and like Mawang, which transformed a fairy-tale prince Joo Ji Hoon into someone capable of darkness and deeply nuanced depth, Cruel City has so utterly changed my perception of the leading man - Jung Kyung Ho is nothing like his good-natured naifs - as a ruthless, icy drug-dealer (with flashes of tormented complexity) on his way up, he is fiercely terrifying, so magnetic it hurts to take his eyes off him for even a second, and (I am afraid to confess for the sake of my moral sanity) utter glorious sex on legs.
I have no idea where this narrative is going and I don't care. I will follow it wherever it takes me.
“It’s been taken care of.” Thus speaks our protagonist to his Mob Boss, of the snitch he had just killed by tossing off the roof, as he stands there both ruthless and haunted. And just like this, I am hooked. Jung Kyung Ho, who usually plays meek, unthreatening, sweet beta males, who knew you had this in you? Color me hella impressed.
Random thoughts:
* this drama is freaking gorgeous
* The Doctor’s Son is all sorts of fascinating as an icy, ruthless drug dealer on his way up, with hints of tortured complexity underneath.
* Kyung Mi is the biggest BAMF ever and I adore her.
* I ship her and Hyung Min, her hot cop boyfriend, like burning.
I am not sure whether to be terrified of the Doctor’s Son or for him. God, Jung Kyung Ho is incredible in this. He reminds me a bit of Jo In Sung’s terrifying, heartbreaking performance in A Dirty Carnival.
The cop and the criminal...
The fight with Meth Kim's underlings was one of the most glorious things I've ever seen:
Click to view
Cornering his former boss. The coup is almost complete. JKH conveys so much with so little...