Pretty Little Liars, s1, eps 13-14

Apr 22, 2013 23:36

At this point, I am madly curious as to how/why Spencer and Toby will hook up. I mean, rich and waspy A+ student and the guy who has an ankle monitor and gets ‘killer’ graffitied on his locker? I suppose she could always go for the old-school Breakfast Club rebellion :P

The thing with A forcing Hanna to eat all those cupcakes to get her money back, in light of Hanna’s bulimia issues - that was just horrifically cruel! Of all the four girls, Hanna is the least secure, the most vulnerable, so this was just awful.

Ahhhhhh! Is this the start of Spencer/Toby? I’ve been waiting! I bet it is!!!!! I may or may not have shrieked. Not telling (yes, there was shrieking. I am so excited for this OTP, it's sick. It hits all my kinks). I suppose hot + angsty + she wronged him = total catnip. Heeeee. Go for it, girl!!!!! (On a less giddy note, when people yell at him to kill himself and kids run away when he approaches, and he goes to hide and is sitting there holding himself and shaking - my heart!!!! Poor thing.)

Ezria have the most amazing kissing scenes - they are hot, sure, but they are also so utterly tender. It’s the hands and the way they touch and look at each other. And when he tells her: “Even though this doesn’t look right, it has always felt right, and I will not let him change this into something that feels wrong, he just can’t.”

I love how they don’t even need words to convey anything…

Ep 13 was pretty much a shipper’s dream, and one of the awesome OTP scenes involved Emily/Maya. Grrrrrrr, I hope this isn’t the last hurrah for them!

So, this is Caleb, Hanna's future OTP? I have deep thoughts and they amount to: “Flail flail flail he is fucking HOT!” Also, he is a computer hacker from the wrong side of the tracks. I approve.

I just know I am going to ship Hanna/Caleb like mad. Because their chemistry is ridiculous and they totally argue and the amount of pretty is insane and just - seriously, I am already into them and they barely had any screentime together.

Consistent cuteness...

pretty little liars

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