Pretty Little Liars - s1, ep 3

Apr 19, 2013 22:24

Why did I not know about this show sooner? Though I guess it’s good I have three whole seasons to binge on…

Every time I think I can’t ship Aria and Ezra any harder, this show proves me wrong. Seriously, when the two are around each other, puppies are born and rainbows are spontaneously created in the sky. They just shine around each other - their eyes light up and everything feels just a little bit more alive...

I want to take Spencer from her sucktastic family. I also want to ban Wren from coming within 50 feet of her. Just - eeeek. She is too young for you, and you put the moves on her when you were engaged to her sister and you are smarmy. You are worth more than that, girl! (Speaking of being worth more - oh, Hanna, I really want you to get some self-esteem. If a boy doesn’t want to sleep with you doesn’t mean he doesn’t respect or love you - in what warped universe does your head exist? And crashing his car as ‘revenge’ for his being a gentleman - that is the definition of self-destructive).

Oh my God. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. You should have heard the lunatic sounds I was making over this scene. It’s a good thing nobody checked on me because it sounded like there was a dying manatee in my bedroom. But the chemistry! And the way he holds her so tenderly and the way she just fits perfectly in his arms and their hands asfgjgkhgkhjhj their hands!!!!!

Ahhh, so this is Toby (for the record, watching Spencer/Toby videos on youtube is what got me to check out this show). I like!!! I like a lot! I mean, his sister is some sort of evil mastermind (and the boss of him, too) and Ali blackmailed him (with what? I need to know) into taking the fall for the girls’ little act of arson which ended up in reform school for him, And he saved Emily from being raped by that scuzzy ex of hers. Plus, the whole tall, dark and brooding thing. I HAVE A RADAR FOR YUMMY ANGSTINESS AND IT’S PINGING!!! Yes, please, show. With a very big cherry on top.

otpotpotp, teevee, screencaps5, pretty little liars

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