This bit of Shadowheart = arguably my favorite romance novel scene ever

Apr 02, 2013 08:22

He stared back at her. Then he closed his eyes as if he had seen something that he could not bear. He shook his head and sat forward, leaning over his injured arm with a deep grimace. He sat with his head bowed. When he lifted his face, he had a helpless look. "Elena, he'll kill me. I'll be in Hell and you won't be there."

Her eyes began to blur. She did not move. "I won't let that happen."

"How will you stop it?" He swung himself uprighht, standing with a clatter of the manacles, holding the sling against his chest. "Give me the ring." He reached for her hand. "You cannot be seen wearing Navona's notto."

Elayne covered her fingers, but he caught her arm, his grip hard and cold.

"You're Monteverde alone now." He dragged at the gold band, yanking it over the bone without mercy as she tried to pull back.

EEEEE! I am so addicted to the fucked up circus of pain that are Elena/Allegretto. Did I mention that this scene is after he conquered Moteverde for her, and as a 'reward' she threw him in the dungeon just as she did the head of the rival family they took the city from because she wants a way to end the vendetta and is trying to find a way to work it out? EEEEEE!!!!!

dysfunctional romance is my yum, romance novels, quotes, books, romance

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