I finally had time (and subs) to check out the last two of the new drama offerings - the weekend dramas May Queen and Five Fingers. Both feature convoluted family trees, abandoned children, evil parental figures, revenge, and appallingly spoiled children who grow up to be obnoxious secondaries - I think the secondary girl from MQ and secondary boy from FF are a match made in heaven. Or, more likely, the other place.
MQ reminds me of a lighter Giant or East of Eden (way way lighter EoE whose childhood portions, the best of the drama, were harrowing). Or possibly Can You Hear My Heart. The interesting point about it is that this time the protagonist of the business/revenge drama is a woman. I surprised myself by thoroughly enjoying the first episode even though it was only child actors (OTOH, I've heard the first 8 eps are child actors and no, thank you. I know it's a long drama, but it's way too long for my tastes - a couple of eps, or even 4-5). I love our protagonist and I really like the kid who is going to grow up to be Kim Jae Won. I like the kid who is going to grow up to be Jae Hee, and feel sorry for him, but the future-KJW character is just adorable. I found out by reading character description that it's KJW who gets the heroine, and I am quite happy, especially since from the description it seems he is a nicer person and yay, for once, the heroine doesn't end up with issue-laden icicle.
Five Fingers makes me think of Baker King, only with pianos instead of pastries. I liked it less than MQ because it was much gloomier - I hated pretty much everyone in it (they are all awful except for Choi Sira who is just put upon and is going to change into a monster and we know it) except for the kid who was going to grow up to be Joo Ji Hoon and the girl who was going to be Eunjung (and the latter character had only a short appearance). If I am going to watch depressing stuff, at least give me shirtless JJH to compensate! Yeah - it's very Baker King-ish, where I liked the set-up and adored the adult parts but largely ffed through the kid parts.
Not related to either of the above, but have this amazing Shi Won/Yoon Jae MV:
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