I should tell you, I should tell you, I have always loved you...

Nov 28, 2005 23:15

Went to see Rent again today, and loved it even more this time. In fact, it just might be my favorite movie this year, which when you consider Serenity or Revenge of the Sith, is quite a thing to say. It's amazing what a difference not being zonked and not having a screaming kid in the audience (what crazy person takes a 4 year old to Rent anyway?) makes.

I am such a sap but I ended up crying at the end. I wasn't the only one: the audience was full of sniffles. It's funny, because I've gotten a lot more "I want some happiness for the characters" as the years go on. I thought I'd prefer La Boheme's ending (Mimi dies for real and Rodolpho (Roger's equivalent) just scream sings over her body "Mimi!!!!" and the curtain falls. But no, I am too wimpy. I choked back a happy sob and all that when her hand started twitching. I couldn't have borne for her to die (and it's not as if she won't die soon anyway. But Roger and Mimi deserve some happiness in their life for a bit, at least). This way I got the best of both worlds: there is the angst of her "dying" and his screaming. But then it turns out somewhat OK. And I am bawling.

I've also decided I have a fiction crush on Roger. Not only because of the blond/blue-eyed combo which is a favorite, and the fact that he's got an amazing amazing voice, but because I got such an impression of his steady, gentle strength this time around (just as elvensapphire was talking about.) He is not my type at all (I prefer them solvent and not dying), but I do love him. And I do agree with elvensapphire that the flashback does show he always was caring, witness that flashback with gf who finds she is HIV+.

I've also decided that "One Song Glory" is my favorite song on the soundtrack. It's funny that he wants throughout the whole show to write one great song, and "One Song Glory" is exactly that, better than the one he does write, "Your Eyes" (though unlike katranna, I do like the latter one).

Also, I don't normally go for the punk rocker look, but Roger with the bleach spiky hair and the bracelet and all that other stuff? Whoa. I want to drag him into a corner and have (safe) sex with him. My favorite image in the whole movie is also from that song. It's April in the alley, with the needle, and he on his knees in front of her (I assume waiting for a hit). There is something so striking about the way light filters, the way he looks like a suppliant on his knees, the whole doomedness and wrongness of it. I love it.

Of course, no wonder he is so locked up internally and withdrawn after that, and resists Mimi for so long (because you can see during the "Out Tonight" song, he really wants her. Heck, I wanted her). If anyone has reason to be catious, it's him: his previous girlfriend hooked him on drugs and gave him HIV+ and now Mimi is also is drug addict. I do love that part of the reason he doesn't want to involve Mimi is because he is HIV+ and only lets his guard down when he finds out she is too. He really is an awfully nice guy. I loved his slightly nervous and clueless interaction with Mimi during the candle song. Boy, those two have great chemistry. I loved their first kiss. And I love that after they get together, you see him smile a lot (and he didn't at all before). He's got a lovely smile. His whole face lights up. And I love that she seems to have parked on his lap during Joanne/Maureen's engagement.

Of course I do love how he takes care of Mimi during her withdrawal. He is totally tender and caring. And I do love that he does draw a line and after he sees her falling off the wagon again, he does walk away. I guess he isn't into being co-dependent (though I do think his jealousy of Benny also added to the whole situation, and also his fear of losing her).

And the end, where he is crying? And I love his "gentle" voice. Guuuuuuh.

I need some Rent icons.

movies, rent

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