My heart!

Mar 03, 2012 00:26

Eps 2 and 3 of s2 of Chuck were pretty much shipper heaven but between kissing and angst and h/c and whatever, the bit that stood out the most and turned me into an incoherent fangirl was this little exchange.

Montgomery (about Sarah): Is she worth dying for?
Chuck: Yes.

!!!!!!!! I pretty much adore it especially because Chuck is not a trained spy or anything and is terrified out of his wits but he still doesn't even hesitate for a milisecond before responding.

Also, loved the whole thing where Sarah froze and couldn't take a shot due to a risk of hitting Chuck when, we saw earlier, she had no pause at all in identical circumstances earlier, when it involved Bryce when she and Bryce were still an item.

This is not from this ep but have a bonus:

chuck, otp kinks, teevee

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