Cuidado con el Angel - I have no shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame

Feb 09, 2012 19:09

To my everlasting shame (if I had any such thing, that is), I have fallen for Cuidado con el Angel, a Mexican telenovela that is being subbed on viki.

Marichuy: poor and orphaned but plucky and optimistic beauty from the slums.
Juan Miguel: Gorgeous upperclass workaholic with a TERRIBLE SECRET (tm).
Me: obsessed!

There are smoochies, angst, separation, evil exes, birth secrets, and more crazy people than should be able to fit in the vicinity of Mexico City. I am drinking in every little bit.

I have to say, as soon as the camera cut away from him angstily wallowing about how he did something horrible years ago and has this horrible secret for which he needs to atone, which is why he's dedicated himself to helping people, to our heroine Marichuy, I knew his terrrrible secret shame had to do with our heroine. I had no patience to sit through 130 episodes before finding out what it is he did, so I went googling, and at first it almost made me dump the telenovela because it seemed his big secret was that when he was younger and drunk, he raped the heroine (!!!!!!!) Ummm, no, not my thing - the days of Luke and Laura are over. But I simply couldn't believe that this would be the case because WTF! It's not a Thai lakorn. So I went digging for more info and I found that actually, years ago, he was drunk, bumped into her, chased after her, smooched her against her wishes, and she ran off. And she didn't see his face.

OK, on one hand, I am quite happy because that means I can enjoy his open-shirted misery without thinking I am drooling over a rapist. On another - holy moley overdramatic much! I don't mean to say that what he did wasn't a jerk move, but seriously! I mean, the way he was writhing in misery on the floor of his library (in a strategically-unbuttoned shirt), you'd think he murdered somebody! And the way heroine kept going on and on how she had this terrible secret she will never reveal that ruined her life - ummmmm, whut? I can see why finding out that your bf went drunk-chasing after ladies might want you to reconsider dating him, but to consider that that encounter ruined your life? WTF! Anyway, it wouldn't be a telenovela without crazy drama.

So yeah, it's crazy, it's romance-driven, it's cheesy as hell and it has a hero who looks like a sexy rentboy (as opposed to supposedly respected doctor. ROFL):

I am so very very in.

Apparently so were a lot of people, because there are an insane amount of MVs on youtube. Have one (bonus for using one of my favorite songs):

image Click to view

Aren't they the most adorable thing ever?

I am actually considering hunting for a DVD set, if one exists (I found and bought an abridged set, with English subs, but I want the uncut version - subs not necessary...My Spanish isn't the greatest, but I can follow a telenovela). Or can anyone point me to torrents? ETA: I believe I found a site that sells unabridged version. It's hella pricy but I waaaaant it enough not to care! (Side note - they have a lot of telenovelas there. I'll see how this purchase works out and, if it does, I am so becoming a customer for life there).

In conclusion - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, William Levy. Where have you been all my life? My liking for blonds rarely gets satisfied by TV :P

sexy blonds, otpotpotp, otp kinks, angsty otp dysfunction, telenovelas, maite perroni, william levy, cuidado con el angel, teevee

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