Tree with Deep Roots ep 15 - after some reflection, I changed my mind and I love it!

Dec 21, 2011 19:01

If you read last night's post, it was clear I had some major problems with how a resolution of one of the central conflicts was handled. But having gotten more sleep than I had yesterday and having time to think and rewatch certain scenes, I've done a 180 and I believe I am pretty happy with it now.

I realized that I completely forgot that Chae Yoon has learned, by ep 15, not just that Sejong is as egalitarian as is possible for someone to be back then and dedicated to the cause, but someone who also learned that Sejong saved his life when CY was a kid (he learned that during the confrontation in 14). Add in So Yi's influence and his father's will, and I can see the realization that the alphabet is a worthy goal to be the final push for him to join Sejong's supporters.

At first I thought it would be good for him to havee learned prior to this that the letter Sejong gave to deliver was switched, but then I realized it didn't matter. Taejong wanted that household dead so whatever the letter said, the household would have been executed. Though I suppose CY, So Yi and CY's Dad would have hid instead of delivering a message if they knew the true nature of the forgery? Hmmm.

Also, it's pretty clear that CY is incredibly driven and needs a mission. Vengeance mission is gone, so fighting for Sejong's alphabet may take its place. And Sejong is a good, conscience-driven leader to follow.

Plus, I really do think they had to go there narratively unless they wanted to hit a dead end or turn Chae Yoon into Kim Min Joon's character from Damo, and Damo was all about despair where Tree is all about hope.

I've been reading soompi thread (only through ep 15) and it's so helpful. I always love sageuk threads. I also learned some interesting historical stuff - (a) the prince I am so fond of dies at 19 :( So Sejong will get his heart broken by his death pretty soon in any event (cause of death is both gruesome and one that would be cured nowadays - apparently he starved to death when a fishbone lodged in his throat and cut it all to pieces) (b) I was wondering where the queen was, and depending on what year this is set in, she is dead by this time. Too bad, I found the few glimpsed we had into their relationship fascinating.

Jang Hyuk is seriously too gorgeous for words.

The rescue scene. I love how he nonchalantly strides past a whole gaggle of men he just killed single-handedly. And his confrontation with So Yi.

Finding out about the alphabet. I love this scene.

Practicing it.

Sejong recovers the son he thought lost.

screencaps4, jang hyuk, shin se kyung, tasty tasty crow, tree with deep roots, doramas4

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