Possibly the best episode of anything ever

Sep 20, 2011 22:45

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I am out of subbed BBJX episodes so I've been scouring raws. And then I got to episode 20.

Oh my God.

Please take into account that my Chinese is nonexistent. Also, these are not the HD caps because for the sake of my own computer, I dled lower-quality files.

The scene in Kang Xi's audience hall where Eight frames Four but Thirteen takes the blame. It kills me. It fucking kills me. I am sorry, Eight, but I don't give a fuck about you any more. Jump into a lake of fire, please!

This scene just - I have no words. Because everyone has left and Four is still there, kneeling, frozen, his hands bloody from the ceramics, without even noticing. It's like all the energy he had was just enough to last until the end of audience but he could go no more. That was it. And Four is so completely contained, to see his quiet but utter breakdown hurts more than if you saw any other character scream and throw things.

Oh God, Thirteen. That is going to destroy him. Out of all the brothers, he's the one who needs and wants freedom most.

Lu Wu, trying to get to see him and being denied. OK, fuck, my heart just breaks for everyone in this episode.

Ruoxi kneeling to get some sort of clemency for Thirteen (non-existent Chinese so can't tell you the details). The reason I love this so much is that she knows history - she knows Thirteen stays in prison for a decade, until Kang Xi keels over and Four comes to power. But she will still do it anyway. OMFG Ruoxi, I take back everything I said about you being too self-interested.

Four learning Ruoxi is begging for Thirteen. I cannot take all of this any more. Also, I think that this moment is when his decision to go for the throne as his ultimate goal in life, which first took root in the throne room, crystalizes forever. Because he will never be helpless again about those he cares for and make the sacrifice worth it.

I think I died. The rest of this post is brought to you by my ghost. OMFGOMFGOMFG when he throws his umbrella away because if she is wet, he will be too. And the set look on his face, and the way she clutches his robe. They do not need words. OMFG. You are going to drag me off this ship only if you kill me. Also, Eight is great at grand gestures. Four does not make gestures, he just is.

In your face, Eight! Also, that scene gave me shivers. You can just tell that Four is about a second from killing Eight with his bare hands and he wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Eight has no idea what he has unleashed.

And once again, even though he cannot stay with her there, if she is out in the rain, he will be too, even if nobody will ever know. Oh Four, you are so amazing, I have no words for you.

Not good!!!!

you cannot pry me off this ship!, liu shi shi, kevin cheng, bu bu jing xin, screencaps4, nicky wu, doramas4, yuan hong

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