Myung Wol ep 3 - beginning

Jul 22, 2011 07:40

If you think about it objectively, the concept of Myung Wol the Spy is super-creepy - a woman agent from a totalitarian country is given a mission to basically prostitute herself for the good of the Motherland, while observed by her colleagues to make sure she is doing it right and their goal is to lure an unsuspecting person into renouncing his ( Read more... )

eric mun, screencaps4, misa, city hunter, myung wol the spy, han ye seul, doramas4

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dangermousie July 22 2011, 12:48:29 UTC
I think you don't have to worry about her falling first - she may be falling fast but he is already a goner, even if he doesn't realize that. They have among the best chemistry I've seen, which helps me enjoy it tremendously.

I agree with you on Dokko Jin intonations and it drives me nuts - I think they are doing it as a referential thing but I loathed DJ so I wish they would stop!

I am pretty consistent - while I like the guy to fall first and pine, I only like it if he is going to get the girl. If he is third wheel, then I'd rather he didn't even bother because I get bored/exasperated. One exception is if he is evil, then he's fun to hate (ditto with psycho secondary girls, the eviller the better as long as hero isn't ever fond of them).

Btw, please tell me you like Someday. It's one of my favorite dramas and gets so deliciously angsty and shippy later on!!!

I agree with you on still being a little wary despite loving every bit so far. For me, I think it's because it's such a hard-to-maintaince balancing act/concept that while I am in awe they are managing so far, I don't know if they will be able to keep it up.

I do look forward to the angst (please let there be angst!) once truth is exposed. T

Speaking of angst, have you ever watched Eric in Que Sera Sera? It's dysfunctional and so delicious and shippy and ridiculously hot. He angsts so well.

Back to MW - I think it's such a pity it's getting pummelled in the ratings - last ep was under 6%! And it's not likely to get any better since Lee Seo Jin's sageuk starts next week.


cleobulle July 22 2011, 13:16:42 UTC
Wow, 6%! I had no clue the ratings were so low. And the actors are kind of high profile as well. This must be hard for them. When a drama is doing badly in ratings, I always feel uncomfortable watching it as it airs. I can't help wondering how the actors feel about their drama tanking. If it's a drama that's already over, I don't have the same reaction. If I like it I'll just tell myself it's a pity the ratings weren't better. The last expericence I had with this was when watching Playful Kiss last year. The ratings were abysmal as well. I couldn'th elp wondering how the two leads were coping with it.

And with a saeguk coming up, there's not much hope for the ratings.

I'm wary for the same reasons as you. It's only 16 episodes but still plenty long enough for it to deflate like a soufflé left to sit for too long. I love the antics of the bumbling duo of NK spies and their attempts to help MY but it could get old fast. And the mystery about the old books as well. Episodes 3 and 4 are fun but nothing really happens when you look at it closely.

I'll let you know about Someday. I've only seen the first 4 episodes so far. I'm not in love but I like it. It's weird to see the Angsty Rebel from Damo as a manga obsessed psychiatrist and Robot Soldier from Myung Wol as an outgoing unofficial detective on a motorcycle. lol. I really like Hana's character though.

I've heard QSS mentioned so many times that I've lost count. I definitively need to watch it one of these days. MY is my first Eric drama and since I really like him in it, I want to see at least one other drama of his. I'll start downloading it while I finish watching Someday. Maybe I should ask if it ends well or not so I can be mentally prepared?

About pining, I'm pretty cruel. I don't care if the second guy pines even if he doesn't get the girl. Sometimes I wish he'd get the girl actually. Take HGD for exemple. I loved that drama to bits but I was shipping YiNok with the ChangHwi all the way. Another thing I like is when second leads pine for the girl when the hero isn't interested yet. It makes everything go down better for me + it's usually the source of some great jealousy scenes once the hero sees the light and falls for the heroine. (My preference always going to a hero who sees the light from the very beginning though)


dangermousie July 22 2011, 13:30:12 UTC
Well, they pitted themselves against two sageuks and rare is a sageuk that doesn't do well...

Someday only made me obsessed around ep 6 or so, when it sort of went dark (hint - outgoing detective is one of the most messed-up characters is has been my privilege to watch). You know me and angst!

QSS does end happily. I don't know how you feel about mvs, there are some great ones out there. And I have some caps. It's also the drama with the most makeouts I've ever seen outside of k-cable. He's basically a borderline gigolo who sleeps around with rich women who give him stuff, she is the oddball new neighbor who is not pretty or sophisticated but who likes him. The first two eps are ehhh but then it gets insanely good. They are so sexy and dysfunctional and insane together. And I love that even though she falls first, he is the one who can't let go. Ahhh, the games they play. There is this one scene where he sits at the bar and just methodically starts banging his head against it that fills me with sick sick glee.

It makes me think of a happier Bali, and not just because heroine sleeps with both hero and secondary guy (who I adored btw).

I don't mind stuff not happening in MW as long as their feelings get furthered. Honestly, to deak with book/ "oh no, you are NK!!!" you only need 2-3 eps.


cleobulle July 22 2011, 14:04:17 UTC
Oooh, angst....I'm as addicted to it as you are I think :o) I'll watch eps 5-6 of Someday tonight then.

Although I must say your QSS teasers make me want to watch it NOW. A happier Bali is right up my alley. + makeouts with Eric.....I've launched the download for the first four episodes. I'm going to look after my two horses for a while and hopefully the download will be done by the time I come back so that I can start on the next batch.


dangermousie July 22 2011, 14:22:29 UTC

One word of warning: some people had problems with Eric's character because he is sort of a bastard but I loved it - he's not a nice person but it's so fun to see the dysfunction and the darkness and the shipping is intense. There is also one thing he says near the end which, to me, explained so much. So yeah, he's not really likeable but he's obsessed in love and so so so very interesting.


cleobulle July 22 2011, 16:49:48 UTC
I don't need a character to be likeable to appreciate him/her so I don't think I'll have a problem if the pay-off is as good as it looks like it's going to be. :o)

I think I might even start watching it tonight and afterwards decide whether to marathon it straight away or to finish Someday first.

I've set aside 2 hours for my Korean lessons this evening and by the time I finish, eps 1-6 should be downloaded and ready to watch.


dangermousie July 22 2011, 17:14:03 UTC
The payoff is very very good :)

But Someday has suicide attempts! And shippy drawing! And other really good things!


puion July 23 2011, 06:18:10 UTC
What is the thing he says toward the end that you were referring to? Please share! Thanks!


dangermousie July 23 2011, 18:23:00 UTC
He tells her "You were my first [love]" and for me this was huge - it explained a lot because even though he had a ton of sexual experience, emotionally, he was as clueless as she was so of course he had no idea how to behave.


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