Drama Tally - Mousie tallies up her dramas for the first half of 2011

Jul 05, 2011 23:14

Dramas I loved

1. City Hunter - adrenaline, romance, acting and writing and directing are all perfect. I am pretty sure this will be my drama of the year - I even dream about it. There is nothing about this drama I would change.
2. Secret Garden - so romantic it made me swoon, but also funny and smart. I love this drama. Oh, and it made me laugh like a hyena and bawl like a maniac.
3. Gloria - it must be incredibly hard to maintain perfection for 50 eps but this drama came really close to managing. So perfect, it made me feel I was living with these people - two amazing OTPs, great every day interactions, and everything else.
4. Can You Hear My Heart - romance and family ties and hope and gorgeous colors.

Dramas I liked

5. Miss Ripley - smart, brilliantly acted, but I confess to not being truly attached to the characters, which is why it's in the 'like' and not 'love' category.
6. Heartstrings - sweet and poetic and very young
7. The Royal Family - once again, smart and very well acted and very dark, but, as with Ripley, I was a bit detached from the characters.
8. New Tales of the Gisaeng - I adored the main OTP with fiery adoration but the rest of the storylines interested me less. 52 eps really showed here - it got draggy in parts and last fifth sort of really lost it.
9. Crime Squad - it was smart and tragic and fast-paced but I think I cannot truly fall in love with procedurals. This is a damn good one though.
10. Dream High - infectuously cute, even if with a nuance and maturity of a spoon. I confess it's not higher because the main character, played by Kim Su Hyun, bored me. I loved everyone except for him.


11. My Princess - I love the leads but to call this plotless and fluffy would be the understatement of the decade.
12. Thornbirds - love the actors and normally a big melo fan but even I hit a brick wall with the stupidity of these characters. If any of them used a single brain-cell between them, the drama would have been two eps long.
13. Lie to Me - see comment to 11
14. 49 Days - I was enjoying it and then came that ending. This drama is dead to me.
15. Romance Town - see comment to 11
16. Best Love - see comment to 11 (notice a trend?) Plus, the hero was a Bugs Bunny cartoon on speed and the whole feel utterly unrealistic in any emotional sense whatsoever. If there are people who behave like this, I don't want to meet them.
17. Manny - not even Seo Ji Suk could make me like a story of a male Mary Poppins. No, thanks!
18. Yaksha - interesting premise, gross and confusing execution.

Get Thee Behind Me, Satan

19. Athena Goddess of War - there should be some sort of criminal charge for wasting a cast this good on a drama this awful. And I say this as a rabid fangirl of its predecessor, IRIS.
20. It's OK, Daddy's Girl - no, it's not OK at all, actually.
21. Paradise Ranch - this is a drama to show someone if you want to torture them and waterboarding is not available. I was trying to think of anything good about it - acting, writing, anything. Only thing I could come up with it ended.

Coming up next - 2011 OTPs - the good, the bad, and the kissy.

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