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dangermousie May 31 2011, 02:35:22 UTC
Exactly. I wasn't thrilled at the maturity level in YAB but it was at least concievable that two barely-20 kids would be this way and would, hopefully, eventually grow up. Here, the leads are almost old enough to be YAB characters' parents and they are less mature. That is the opposite of appealing but also stretches the bounds of any credibility (AJ is less extreme of the two but the way she reacts to possibility of a kiss even is the way nobody her age should unless they just escaped from a period drama).

But immaturity is only part of the problem - e.g. Rain's character in Full House was immature (and sometimes drove me insane) but he always felt like he could be a real person. Here, neither of the leads seem like they could exist at all so I cannot get myself to care about them.

I remember crying my eyes out at the scene in My Girl where Gong Chan kneels by his grandfather's chair, begging the old man to reveal Yu Rin's whereabouts. It wasn't because objectively it was such an amazing tragic disaster - nobody died. It was because by that point I loved Gong Chan so and felt so much for him (and Yu Rin) that it was almost like watching a friend break down. Here - a building could collapse on the lead characters and I am not invested enough to care.


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