They are high school versions reincarnated ancient generals and they battle evil with their guitars

Apr 05, 2011 23:00

OK, fifteen minutes into K.O. 3an Guo and I think I am going to enjoy it hugely.

The best way to describe it is "Three Kingdoms meet Tenjou Tenge."

KO posits a very important question - what would happen if the legendary generals, politicians and beauties from the Chinese ancient classic Three Kingdoms, were somehow fighting-mad high-school kids with supernatural powers who battled via rival schools. I bet you didn't know you needed to have that in your life!

Here are Liu Bei (!!!!) and an unknown fellow heroic boybander, battling to save the world through their guitar riffs:

Is it a nuanced, well-written, and equisitely-acted masterpiece? No. If you want that, you should watch the 2010 adaptation of the classic itself. But it knows to poke fun at itself with its tongue lodged firmly in cheek, so I can forgive it a lot. I do think it would have been much better as an anime - the set-up would fit a shounen anime perfectly (see Tenjou Tenge comparison) and a lot of this drama's ticks and tricks are very anime-like - animations to show emotions, weird distortions, etc.

I have no idea whose reincarnation he's supposed to be but he's here because he's hot:

Liu Bei with his fighting guitar. Ahahaha. Also, I am finding Liu Bei hot. I just - I just.

Zhao Yun:

Guan Yu:

The Warlords. Ahahahaha. My brain is breaking.

You know how I mentioned anime-like tricks with distortions? As an example - see this bit with Guan Yu and Yide being expelled in kidergarten:

Or this bit in the credits with Guan Yu's reaction to Diao Chan:

Yes, this is this version's take on Yellow Handkerchiefs' uprising:

Oh, how I laughed:

Did I mention that in this version Guan Yu and Diao Chan are an OTP?

Even if she at first gets it on with Lu Bu (I wonder how the updated saying goes? "Among high school students Lu Bu, among bicycles, Red Hare?" Or something. LOL):

Well, I suppose it's better than the proper TK ending for the woobies:

I think I may be quite in love with this cynical, snarky version of Liu Bei:

His reaction to Guan Yu's noble sentiments:

We are going to be friends, Liu Bei.

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drugs must have been involved, not your grandpa's three kingdoms, youtube4, sexy liu bei = unnatural, my eyes my eyes, guitars of world domination, three kingdoms, k.o. 3an guo, doramas4

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