Oh, Four, why are you so amazing, awesome, adorable and other good things which start with "a"?

Mar 03, 2011 22:54

Scene 1. I totally squealed at Eighth's teasing and the adorableness and the cuteness and OMG my OTP!

Scene 2. It totally made me tear up. I love that he's finally both accepting and accepted by this wonderful large, loving family and that he feels loved and secure in his place and future in the family enough to say this. EEEE! He's all psychologically healed now. AWWW.

In conclusion, Yangs, why are you so awesome?

ETA: OMG, Seven is back on my screen! And about to meet his OTP! I am not sure I can stand that much happiness.

It takes me hours to watch each ep now, what with rewatching and capping and spazzing. But it's worth it.

young warriors of the yang clan, liu shi shi, yangs are cooler than you, chen long, hu ge, peter ho, eddie peng, screencaps3, doramas4

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