The switch! The switch has flipped!

Mar 02, 2011 23:16

You all know the switch I am talking about - the one which transforms a drama (or book or movie or...) that you are enjoying into something you simply can't be without and must see more of, all the while being emotionally invested like a lunatic. All of a sudden, they cease to be characters to you and become people, people you love and care and worry for. When that happens, there is no way back - you are hooked, you must continue, and you will love it to the bitter end. Many (most) dramas don't get there, but the ones that do - that is why I watch dramas, after all.

And, you guys, the switch just flipped on for my with Sunny Happiness! Six episodes in, it just went from 'entertaining and well-made, I don't mind watching more' to 'must must must must watch more I love them so much want want want'. I can pinpoint the exact scene it happened, actually - when Yun Jie and Yong Yong (that's Mike He and Janine Chang's characters' names btw - you know it's bad when I learn names) went drinking after YJ met his son. The scene with them talking in the bar, quietly, with Yun Jie having his reserve slowly broken by the double whammy of emotional overload and wine, and thus actually opening up and pouring his heart out about his life and what he hopes for and thinks to Yong Yong in a scene that felt so very real, just - it got me. There is no other way to explain. Suddenly the drama went from fun to loved.

And then the scene with her having to drag him to her home, as the normally control-freak YJ gets to be the funniest, most inconvenient, adorable drunk ever - it's like the cherry on top of the sundae. I giggled my way through that scene. But in a happy, adoring, loving way. Because SH finally got my heart and it is not giving it up any time soon.

If I combine watching this with Young Warriors of the Yang Clan - that's a hell of a twofer.

happiness is like a sunny day, janine chang, mike he, young warriors of the yang clan, doramas4

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