Housekeeping Note - re Flist

Feb 07, 2011 22:27

I've just gone through the list of people who friended me who I haven't friended back yet.

There were people who I could have sworn I had friended already, no idea what was going on there. And for some I didn't get LJ notifications of friends' requests. No idea why either. I apologize - I've been chatting away with some of you without realizing I haven't friended you back!

Anyway, I went through the rather long list and if I could figure out in any way why you friended me (drama interests listed, lj posts on that sort of stuff, friends in common), I friended you back. If I haven't friended you back because I couldn't figure out why you friended me and you want to be friended, drop a line in reply here, and I'd be happy to do so.

Also, I don't mean to be pushy, but there are some awesome anons posting in comments! Making a lj account is free and easy and fun. Can I tempt you guys? :P

Thanks, everyone, for being such an awesome bunch of people to talk to!

flist love, lj stuff

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