So, to resolve a preview debate

Feb 02, 2011 08:46

Namely "is Hyemi sleeping or is she not?" during the you-know-what scene.

We have our answer. If any teen girl can sleep when a hot guy she has a thing for is kneeling in front of her and stroking her face (height difference ftw, btw), well - more power to her. But clearly Hyemi is awake, wide open eyes and all. And who could blame her.

Oops, I think I am back on team JG/Hyemi. This drama is turning me into a human ping-pong ball.

I am obsessed with this drama, seriously - only two eps per week is cruel and unusual punishment. Almost as bad as the drama using the Schindler's List theme during the tv interview with JG and his evil Daddy. I mean - whaaaaaaaaat? Has Daddy been killing non-Koreans in secret? Is about to send JG to concentration camp? Otherwise it's way way overkill and stupid beyond words. I get it, Daddy is evil. But not this level evil so knock it off, drama.

dream high, screencaps, doramas3

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