Die die die evil Creepy scumbag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 16, 2010 17:24

Creepy, pls go die now.

Kthanks, bye.

Seriously, what does he hope to achieve? Daddy won't just give him a company because he threatens to...what? He can't turn the whole 'your mistress accused you of trying to off her old lover' into capital in any practical way. If Kang Suk and Jin Jin get framed coming out of a love motel, it's also not useful - Kang Suk made clear to Creepy that he and Yoon Seo plan to have an open marriage and that YS is fine with KS knocking boots with Jin Jin as long as she gets to do the same with Dong Ah. So I hardly think that knowing he and his gf went to a love motel will make her call off the wedding. (Even if she wants to marry him/be engaged to him for other reasons, as Creepy suspects, whatever those reasons are they clearly include her being fine with him having a gf). I really doubt Yoon Seo's evil family will care either, as long as Kang Suk remains his clever, "properly born", inheriting-Daddy's-co-and-capable-of-taking-over-in-law's-company self. I mean, both his father and prospective in-law have proper wives plus longterm mistresses on the side and neither seems to sentimentalize this as a chance for their kids' romantic happiness. I mean, they may want him to do some gesture such as saying JJ is only a fling or whatever but they aren't going to call the wedding off for that.

So it's all for nothing, just spite. Die.

I am sure my darling Dong Ah would be happy to oblige in your move to netherworld.

Die die die die, get eaten by alligators, Creepy, die!

ETA: Yes, I plan to do proper ep recaps but I want to (a) do them in a batch (b) do them later when I have more time.

gloria, screencaps2, creepy must die!!!!!!, doramas3

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