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kitkat_cat December 10 2010, 17:05:08 UTC
i have to confess that at a certain point in ep8, i kinda forgot all about my JW/RI ship and jumped fully onboard the dimwit/icequeen ship! but all i needed was a hug, in the rain, and i collapse like a house of cards. I am so weak!

can't wait for the weekend now!


dangermousie December 10 2010, 17:13:36 UTC
i have to confess that at a certain point in ep8, i kinda forgot all about my JW/RI ship and jumped fully onboard the dimwit/icequeen ship!

Me too. And now I feel less alone!

But ah, that hug! I am so glad they swapped back and can do that stuff because I am fully on-board with main ship again. Apparently that is what he says during the hug:

JW: I didnt come to argue over these things.
R: then why did you come?
He pulls her into an embrace and while he is hugging her, he says “I came to do this”.

(per softy aka soulsrebel)


kitkat_cat December 10 2010, 17:53:19 UTC
and *thud*... i am mush!

but seriously, that scene in the car between dimwit and ice-queen, my heart just about broke when she was having a go at him about never having been able to even sit in his passenger seat. i like how oska is probably, for the first time, starting to realise that maybe, he had a hand in the break-up too.

i find it interesting that the 'more open' OSKA found it difficult to be upfront about his relationship to his peers, but that JW, would probably have no problems. i think once he makes up his mind about RI, he would probably tear a strip off of anyone who would dare insinuate anything of RI, RI included.


dangermousie December 10 2010, 19:06:31 UTC
It's quite ironic in light of his earlier crack to Joo Won that he, Oska, is ready to give up everything for a woman and JW is not and women sense it. Hah. Not really. You are right, once JW comes to terms with his feelings for "unsuitable" RI, there is no way anything or anyone would be allowed to come between, let alone insult her. He'd never think to hide her in his life. His supreme self-confidence, which is occasionally a flaw, would come pretty handy in this ( ... )


ejekyll December 11 2010, 02:49:17 UTC
but its true ... that previously, Before RaIm, JooWon wouldn't have been the kind of man who would have thought of sacrificing, or even thinking of a woman, let alone grieving for a woman. Oska however, just thinks him the Great Lover for having one Almost Grand Love, except he just wasn't man enough. Maybe he's a better man now, for having regretted.


dangermousie December 11 2010, 02:53:37 UTC
Well, yes, but then I don't get the sense he was ever really in love before. JW is not really a wonderful person who'd sacrifice for anyone worthy (a la Sun Joon in SKKS). But he loves Ra Im and I am sure once he realizes that, woe be to anyone who tries to bash her.

That is why I was comparing it to Oska/Seul. I wouldn't expect Oska to sacrifice anything for one of the bimbos he's sleeping with, but he loved Seul, and quite a lot, clearly, seeing he still is not over her. But he (as you put it) wasn't man enough. Hopefully he is by now though because otherwise any future relationship with Seul (or anyone else he may ever genuinely fall in love with) is doomed. You don't want a guy who won't even stand up for you to a friend.


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