I would like my tea and crumpets with a side order of mayhem, please

Oct 14, 2010 09:27

Oh, I am so ridiculously obsessed with The Iron Duke. I literally kept reading it last night until my eyes could not see any more. Now I am sort of like a zombie myself but I can't put it down.

I would love to travel in an exotic airship, hunt zombies and make out with a hot pirate captain but it all sounds dreadfully exhausting so I will settle for reading about it while drinking tea on a rainy day. Perfect.

Ironically, right after I posted last night's post hoping for more overt romance, the romance angle kicked into overdrive. Mmmmmmm, Mina and Rhys are so sexy and messed up together. I'd say they need about a decade of therapy each, but since their preferred form of therapy is fighting things, they are getting plenty of it on the trip for the stolen ship.

The plot continues twisty - I never guess where it's going until it happens and then go "of course" (but then I am pretty unobservant, so take it for what you will). The only thing which I guessed before it was revealed was Rhys' background, which makes me worry about myself. Or maybe I just read too much Sherrilyn Kenyon.

This indirectly leads me to a bizarre question but I shudder to think what google will give me if I put that into search engine (The following sentence is blacked out both because it's spoilery and possibly NSFW) - can you really have piercings down there? And not have them interfere with functions? Really?

I am so so so very in love with this. I really really want this to be a series in which the awesome Inspector Mina Wentworth solves cases, taking names and kicking butt, and occasionally enlisting help of her fearsome boyfriend. I also want a book about Rhys' pirating and and an Archemedes Fox zombie-hunting adventure. Ah, well, I am going to settle for knowing why Yasmeen has cat ears and why this is a secret.

ETA: Finished it! This was so ridiculously good. I wanted it to be longer. And hooray for Mina saving her boyfriend/England/the world. She is my new girlcrush.

steampunk, books, romance

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