I am slowly but surely working my way through Baker King and look what deliciousness ep 12 gave me!
It's no secret that the only ship in BK that I am rabid for is Ma Jun/Yu Kyung. Tak Gu/Mi Sun are adorable like puppies, but you know me - a couple of sweet, uncomplicated darlings with little shippy angst is not something which inspires a mad devotion in me. Alternaships of Tak Gu/Yu Kyung and Ma Jun/Mi Sun also don't hold my interest - they are couples where one of the pair is uncomplicatedly good and not entirely able to grasp the darkness in the other.
But Ma Jun/Yu Kyung ping everything everything everything - everything I go mad for in a kdrama couple. He is outwardly arrogant and completely insecure and scared inside. Nobody can tell this is the case but she can. She is made of steel and can face down the entire police force beating her for days but she is terrified of letting someone she cares see the damage inside. She does not want Tak Gu see the scars but she does not care to hide from Ma Jun because she does not care what he sees. He wants her in part to beat his hated and envied half-brother and in part because he is hopelessly drawn to her. The only reason she may even consider him is to get back at his horrifying mother. They both have darkness and damage inside them and come from fractured, unloving homes, but they also have potential for being good and normal. She barely reaches his shoulder in her highest heels but she is tougher than he's even dreamt of being. They are trainwreck city. I cannot look away.
Here, he tells her he will give her everything - money, clothes, etc. Why does she prefer Tak Gu to him? And she tells him it's because Tak Gu took care of her when even her father didn't. And continues that she wants Tak Gu the way only a person who's never had anything can want - she tells him he's had his wishes satisfied since his cradle, even before he knew what they were, so how can he understand?
And then she kicks him out but collapses, due to the beating and torture she received in the police station (she was caught for subversive activities) plus malnutrition. Luckily, there is Mr Tall, Dark and Dysfunctional to catch her.
He takes her to the hospital, checks her in and pays for her treatment. Then this follows. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Too bad that as soon as she gets conscious, Murder Mama shows up and basically tells her she is a gold-digging slut who schemed to get her claws into a rich guy like countless others around her precious son and she better be off out of his sight - Murder Mama would happily pay for the privilege. Incensed, Yu Kyung walks out of the hospital, tearing her IVs off. Murder Mama, keep it up and Yu Kyung will marry the guy just to piss you off - seriously.
Have a MV:
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