A few quick Giant thoughts (through ep 38)

Sep 28, 2010 15:48

* I am willing to suspend my disbelief as much as the next person but it stretches even my capacity to believe Miju can manage to hide for years and years (at least 6!!!) from both her brothers (one of whom works for the freaking Korean CIA!) and Min Woo (who has spent tons of money and used all sort of means). How does that work? It's not as if she even left Seoul. NO WAY. NO WAY.

* I like the state of Gangmo and Jung Yeon's relationship now - when it consists of Gangmo yearningly gazing at her, the actors' lack of chemistry does not hinder the belief in their love.

* Min Woo is turning into his father. It's really freaking scary. It's like he finally took all his breaks off. His one saving grace is that he is still as obsessively in love with Miju as ever (love love love his watching their old tapes) but I am not sure how Miju would like this new Min Woo. I found it interesting that he was still begging Seungmo for Miju's whereabouts and Seungmo refused to comment (could that be something that would eventually lead to him disliking SM so much as to try to shoot him as per old old synopsis? Hmmm)

* How do I adore that Miju is still her warm an loving and sweet self. She is basically the one mentally healthy and sane character in the sea of dysfunction and I love that she stayed the same. Her kid (Woo Ju, LOLOLOLOL forever and AWWWWWW forever in equal measure) is adorable. My favorite scene in ep 38 was when she was singing a lullabye to him and the scene morphed into the flashback of Min Woo singing the same lullabye to her. AWWWW. Oh, my darling OTP.

* I fail to see why all these companies with possible exception of ManBo are always one project away from ruin. WTF - just how financially sound are they? Shouldn't they have invested and saved previous profits? Bizarrrrrrrrre.

Somebody tell me if my OTP even meet each other by ep 40? Because I am getting freaking impatient.

secondary otp, giant, doramas3

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