My all-time favorite TV shows

Oct 06, 2005 18:59

In order, here is my Top 6 show list:

1. Farscape: Best Show Ever. I am not kidding either. Wonderful, angsty, clever characters, OTP to end all OTPs, complicated twisted plots, and really tight plotting and writing. Not to mention all the arcs get resolved. Perfection. I cried, I laughed, I screamed, I participated in the fan campaign.

2. ( Read more... )

one tree hill, serenity, bsg, buffy, farscape, roswell, futurama, firefly, veronica mars

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plazmah October 7 2005, 00:53:50 UTC
I'm joining in on the fun! For the sake of simplicity I'm excluding all the anime shows I love, which would be a list unto itself.

1. X-Files: My very first TV obsession, back when I was only 13 years old. I lived and died for that show. I couldn't breathe without it. I was a stalwart NoRomo, afraid that MSR would destroy the show like Lois and Clark. It was the fandom that first led me to fic and pr0n. So many sweet memories. I can't believe I don't have a single season on DVD yet.

2. Lost: What can I say? I'm in love with the complete WTF factor of this show. I prefer the lush creepiness of this to JJ's other creation, Alias. The multitude of hot characters doesn't hurt either.

3. House: I started watching this out of casual curiosity. Best casual curiosity ever. The snark, the insanity, the angsty relationship possibilities. It's all good. It's all VERY good. If I ended up being a doctor, I'd want a piece of that action :)

4. CSI (Vegas): My friends in undergrad were crazy about this show, and crazy about Nick and Sara in ( ... )


dangermousie October 7 2005, 00:55:16 UTC
Futurama is one of those "I can watch each episode 70 times" things. *loves*


plazmah October 7 2005, 00:58:07 UTC
Exactly! wasabi_girl1 has every single season on DVD and I can't get enough of it every time I come home to visit. She's getting annoyed ;)


dangermousie October 7 2005, 00:59:24 UTC
Bender icon! You rock so hard! (TM Fireball)


crumpeteer October 7 2005, 01:12:28 UTC
Whoo! Scully and Mulder 4eva.

Really, this was an incredibly smart show that has influenced a lot of shows with its style since then. The X-Files showed stuff on television and seriously used the "parental guidence" status long before it was in fashion.


plazmah October 7 2005, 01:35:22 UTC
Agreed; XF shaped the future of Creepy Drama.


equustel October 7 2005, 01:57:07 UTC
Must chime in with the XF love. My all-time favorite show. Mulder and Scully are still two of the most complex and fascinating characters ever to grace the small screen, and their relationship pretty much transcends the romantic/platonic argument.

And Gillian Anderson is an amazing actress.



crumpeteer October 7 2005, 02:07:38 UTC
I agree. Scully and Mulder were soul mates if there ever were ones in a tv couple. It was more than the fluffy sitcom romances or the angsty teen drama stuff, these two loved each other on the deepest level. Both of them messed up beyond belief, both of them lonely, both of them looking for "the truth" whatever that may have been. They were two lost souls who found each other, which was beautiful to watch. It was just something you'd never expect in a show with so much gore and creep value.


crumpeteer October 7 2005, 02:09:27 UTC
It was also one of the first dramas that would end on an "off" beat. Everything didn't wrap up nicely at the end and the episodes felt like they just stopped a lot of the time. X-Files was one of the first shows I remember doing that. A lot of them do that now days.


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