So, what shall my next wuxia be?

Jun 04, 2010 17:17

Yes, I am only halfway through LOCH but as you can tell, I am obsessed.

If you need to gauge my tastes, I've seen and loved (in addition to LOCH), Return of the Condor Heroes 2006, Handsome Siblings (the Nic Tse parts, the Dicky Cheung ones were horrifying), Da Ren Wu, Red Dust. Did not care for Chinese Palladin.

Poll Dangermousie's next wuxia drama will be

I am sort of broke at the moment so buying a pricy DVD set is rather out of the question. Anything you recommend has be either downloadable or streamed (except for Littly Fairy, LWVB and PK - I have DVDs of those already).

poll, wuxia, doramas3

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