Here is a trailer for upcoming Calling for Love starring Mike He and Charlene Choi as a popular idol and a lady taxi-driver respectively. I would think that would be enough crack, but apparently Mike's character is in dire financial straits - he wins the lottery but the ticket is accidentally left with taxi-driver Charlene etc etcetc
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While I adore the angsty or serious twdramas (Mars, The Outsiders, Silence, Starlit, Meteor Garden, Love Contract, Black & White etc), the cracky/funny twdramas are a lot more of a mixed bag for me - I adored Why Why Love and that hard-to-categorize To Get Her and My Lucky Star (not that the latter two were cracky, really, they were its own thing, and WWL was pretty subtle after first few eps and then jumped into an angstfest) and some others but most of them are too OTT for me.
Still, this sounds promising and fun. Mike He has never bothered acting in his life except for the majorly-underrated Love Contract, but he's charming and good-looking and into tonsil hockey, which is all this type of drama requires. Charlene Choi looks charming.
I will definitely be checking this out.