Magandheera summary in caps, part the last. Plus a bit on Chirutha

Apr 26, 2010 10:47

I am enjoying Chirutha immensely - if you, like me, want to see Ram Charan Teja fight, dance, and romance the daughter of his enemy across Asia, this is the movie for you.

After a pretty grim first 15 minutes (seriously - worst. childhood. ever!) the movie became much fluffier as RCT was released from jail (for a crime he didn't commit, of course) as surely the best-adjusted victim of child prison system ever. Of course, I am pretty sure he won't remain that way for long, seeing that the girl he's fallen in love with is the daughter of the Mob Boss who killed his parents in front of his eyes, especially since the prison sequences indicate he does have some major issues. Well, I am sure the inevitable angst and violence is coming, but for now I shall enjoy him being his sexy dork self.

And speaking of sexiness and dorkiness and Ram Charan Teja, here is my Magadheera recap, part the last. (For part 1, go here and for part 2, here.)

So yes, as we last left our intrepid hero, Harsha, he was left to drown as the villain took his love Indu away, and Harsha got the mother of all flashbacks to their past lives. Shall Harsha and Indu's love save the day this time or are they doomed to never be together?

Harsha falls from the helicopter into a lake:

But never fear, our intrepid hero is fished out by Solomon, a gregarious fisherman. Psst, he was the King who separated Bhairava and Mithravinda in their past lives.

Here for the pretty:

The local quack says Harsha will die but Solomon has his own remedy! Alcohol down the almost-dead dude's throat!

And what do you know! Solomon knows the miracle cure. He should stop the fishing and become a doctor as after a few swigs the almost dead Harsha is not only back to the world of the living but is ready to engage in a little item dance with the fishing village belle! (Side note - I understand that they needed to stick a musical number somewhere in there otherwise the second half of the movie would only have one song, and that one near the beginning, but this is seriously the most wtf-timed item dance ever. I mean, Harsha is in the middle of a desperate quest for his true love who was taken away and deceived by the villain, and also he has just remembered something so huge as their past lives and...he takes time out to dance a sexy number with a random girl? Huh?)

Feeling better, Harsha embarks on the long journey to the villain's lair.

A truly awesome sequence follows. Indu is at Shiva's temple with the villain, making death offerings for her father. And also for Harsha (villain doesn't like that but at least has the sense to rejoice the dude is dead).

But Harsha has made it there at that moment and as he has his own personal wind machine with him, she can feel him, and she throws the offering down, crying he isn't dead. Even though she's clearly relieved and still loves him, she insists she hates the thought of even his shadow crossing her path.

Villain rejoices. Harsha...not so much (he looks a lot like Oh Ji Ho here, IMO)

Indu leaves (still not having seen Harsha) but Villain tries to find Harsha and ergo...fight!

You go, Harsha, do some trash-talking! Sadly, he is not commenting on the size of the Villain's...spear.

In a symbolic moment, a crowd of devotees of Shiva separate them and when they pass, Harsha is gone.

Villain is not happy. Also backlit.

That night Indu angsts within:

And Harsha angsts without! Eat your heart out, Edward Cullen!

But not all is lost - Solomon followed Harsha and decided to help him. SQUEE.

Love what you've done with the place, Villain!

Evil shaman tells Villain the good news - if Indu doesn't remember her past life by the time comets pass (in a few hours), she never will, in this lifetime. Not good. Luckily, Harsha the Lurker overhears.

So he finds Indu in this maze-like house but as she still believes he killed her father, she is in no mood to listen to him (especially because she still loves him and hates herself for it) and he has no time to explain. Still, dragging an unwilling woman along isn't helping his case.

In the process of beating up some goons of Villain, Indu ends up fainting or hurt.

And Harsha is tricked by evil shaman and led into a trap where he's wounded and left helpless to die.

Solomon to the rescue!

So that Sexy Harsha can make his escape.

He takes Indu to the place where they died in their past lives. I could think of a cheerier dating spot but what do I know?

Bad guys pursue them!

That's OK, Harsha creates a little barrier for them!

One problem. Harsha may be able to defeat an army of bad guys singlehanded but it still doesn't fix the fact that (a) Indu thinks he killed her father and thus hates him (b) must remember past life asap or she never will and (c) thinks he is a lunatic when he talks about past lives. It sucks being Harsha.

Indu even threatens to jump if he doesn't shut up. The girl is MAD.

So Harsha goes a little mad too, and starts banging on that ginormous drum (the way he did in past life) as a prayer to Shiva and willing her to remember. What follows is my favorite scene in the entire movie. This time he is the one chasing her, this time he's banging the drum not as a duty and to distance himself but to desperately get her to remember. OMG perfect.

But before she can remember, Villain gets around the barrier on his helicopter of evil and she moves towards him.

While Harsha keeps drumming because if she doesn't remember, it's the end - she will always hate him.

Poor thing can't even afford buttons. Pity him, Indu!

She is almost at the helicopter:

When it begins to hit - the memories.

In the nick of time as this is the comet that closes the time period for Indu to remember!

Oh yes, there is also the Villain to kill.

This is Villain's skull from last time Harsha killed him. Heh, he plans to use the same sword!

Ooops, Villain does not believe in playing fair and orders his helicopter to attack Harsha. Who, because he's pure awesome, faces down the helicopter with his sword.

Trusty Solomon to the rescue again, defying the laws of physics and sending his empty truck to take out the helicopter!

But the villain is not about let Indu go. If he can't have her, nobody can! He rushes to the cliff with her, to jump off together. Will the tragedy of past lives be repeated?

Nope! Harsha throws the sword with lethal accuracy, chopping off the arm that the Villain used to hold Indu. So the villain tumbles off the cliff alone. You're dead, so sad.

Say it with me. AWWWWW!

A little good-natured joking around about Harsha and Indu getting back onto the mainland from their little sliver of rock follows. I giggle and swoon.

Oh joyful happy end! Thus ends one of my new favorite movies ever.

tollywood, screencaps

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