Oh My Lady episodes 3-4: cooky fun with a side of possibility of something more...

Mar 31, 2010 22:59

I spent the evening catching up on Oh My Lady by watching episodes 3 and 4.

This drama is very much like the cap above: funny and goofy with that extra delicious hint of sexiness.

The story of a spoiled and talentless young superstar who discovers he has an out-of-wedlock 5-yr-old and the older, divorced heroine who ends up taking care of the kid has been solidly entertaining for the first 3 eps (I laughed out loud repeatedly) but it was ep 4 that pushed me from amusement to genuine liking because that is where some seriousness came in - hints of promise and genuine feeling.

It's not a secret I am a major Angst Junkie and while I don't expect (nor want) a fluffy wacky romcom to give me Chuno levels of angst, I do want some emotional stakes in my story and protagonists I can love as well as be amused by.

That is why ep 4 is so promising - I have adored Chae Rim's plucky heroine from the first episode. But Choi Siwon's hero? Not so much. He amused me immensely but as a person he was not particularly likeable or even tolerable - a bit dim, rather immature, and very selfish. Not exactly a Prince Charming, those amazing abs notwithstanding. About the best I can say for him is that he wasn't anywhere near as bad as the heroes of Pick the Stars or Brilliant Legacy were at the start (his is a passive selfishness, not an in-your-face jerk behavior). But by ep 4, while I am not in love with him yet, I definitely see possibilities - the glimpses of genuine emotion and remorse and vulnerability are wonderful.

I am amused/interested/properly irritated by secondary characters and I enjoy the writing and the gratuitous display of abs.

The biggest problem? So far Siwon and Chae Rim have ZERO chemistry, IMO. I can't even imagine them as a couple right now - the vibe and the attitude is of a slightly exasperated bossy sister to her trouble-making, bratty younger brother. They both were capable of chemistry in other things I've seen them in so I am not sure what is going on. Romcoms NEED chemistry to be believable and I seriously can't see them this way at this moment. It's not a big issue right now because their relationship isn't at the romantic stage yet so hopefully it will kick in when necessary. It's a fluffy silly romcom so I am not demanding scorching passion a la IRIS, Robbers or Worlds Within (where I sometimes felt as if I were intruding) but some passion there needs to be. One of the reasons Last Scandal was so brilliant was the incredible chemistry between its leads. I hope the newest entrant in the 'star/average woman subgenre' will be able to pick up at least bit of that from its superb predecessor.

oh my lady, doramas2, screencaps

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