Swallow the Sun episodes 12-13: "Facilis descensus Averno"

Mar 29, 2010 12:09

Go ahead, smack some sense into him, Su Hyun!

Even with everything that happens in the first 11 episodes of Swallow the Sun, I never realized how light in tone in remained due to the fact that Jung Woo himself remained so well-balanced despite it all. But now he's finally snapped and the drama became, suddenly, much darker. His descent is understandable (there are only so many things you can pile onto somebody before they snap) and dramatically interesting but it makes StS a rather more emotionally wringing watch than before.

When we left off, Jung Woo just learned that the man he hates and who wronged him so badly is actually his father. The gangster who (as he believes) held his mother hostage and raped her. If that doesn't mess with your head, I don't know what would. He dwells on his memories of the man and they are not pleasant ones, either.

Inside his atelier, Mob Boss is heartbreakingly happy because he finally managed to finish Mi Yeon's portrait due to the photograph Cop left him.

Little does he know that Mi Yeon's son is outside, watching, having completely snapped, and vowing vengeance on his own father. The thing that is so disturbing about Jung Woo planning revenge, and in part why he is messed up so badly is that he isn't planning revenge on some random mobster who did him wrong. No, he is planning revenge on the man he knows is his own father (and as an orphan, he must have desperately yearned to meet his parents earlier too). And there is the whole other thing, which we find out a little later - by that point Jung Woo is soon to know Mob Boss is the one who is responsible for the deaths of Su Hyun's parents. He alread had issues of unworthiness towards her and with this new revelation - yeah. The guy's lost it.

He goes into the atelier after the Mob Boss leaves.

Su Hyun runs into Jackson and they talk. He explains that JW couldn't meet her in Johannesburg because he got shot and almost died but he can't explain why JW didn't contact her later (my guess is because he decided on vengeance after his experience and didn't feel clean enough and then of course once he got back on Jeju and all the stuff about MB came out, that was definitely it).

Jackson hires JW and crew to work for a casino operator rival to Mob Boss.

He also tells JW Su Hyun is here. Jackson really is a hell of a friend.

But of course, JW's total breakdown and insane vengeance plan and the whole 'I am worthless worthless worthless, and oh, my father killed her parents, too' thing won't allow JW to do anything but angst photogenically while tormenting himself with memories of her. MOAR MOAR MOAR!

Secretary tells Amy that Jackson is back in Jeju. Her Dad blows a gasket but Secretary calms him down by saying that the best way for Amy to let go is to have Jackson right here but not to be able to be with him. (WTF? It sort of makes sense in a 'let's make Amy and Jackson as crazy as Jung Woo is becoming' kinda way).

Have some sexy Roommie!

I love the yearning. MMMMM.

Su Hyun asks Cop to reopen her parents' murder case.


(I believe by this poinst JW knows Mob Boss had Su Hyun's parents whacked - I think it's the last shove over the total edge for him). So he goes and betrays casino rival's plans to Mob Boss, selling out Jackson and his other friends in the process - saying he wants to earn Mob Boss' trust and be on his team. Don't do it!!!!!!!!! You idiot boy!

OMG! Jackson, Goofy, and Cuddly are off to a meeting and Amy found out and intercepts them. And Jackson walks right by her. Listen, have you been hanging out with JW too much and his general martyr insanity rubbed off on you or something? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get why you think she is way better off not being with you but seriously - make out of something - I want at least one of my OTPs functional.

Betrayed. By Jung Woo, whom they all trusted.

I really liked this Mob Boss-Jackson scene. Because they are adversaries but there is respect on both sides there - Mob Boss respects genuine strength and Jackson would be an idiot not to respect MB's capability, either.

Jung Woo can see his friends' faces - the disappointment and betrayal. And I think a part of him is actually craving it - a sort of external validation of his own internal belief in his being just trash - a sort of 'finally they see the truth, I was right' kind of thing.

Jackson, Cuddly and Goofy try to figure out why JW snapped so badly but utlimately are all 'it doesn't matter why - we need to deal with situation and figure out how to respond.'

When Rich Boy arrives home for dinner, he is not that pleased to see Jung Woo outside, saying he is waiting for MB orders. About the same level of 'not too pleased' that a dedicated animal rights activist would feel on finding out he has to work at a factory making hats from clubbed baby seals.

Jung Woo is called in by Mob Boss for orders during dinner (side note - how frelling rude is it - to sit there eating your steak while someone has to stand there and receive orders. Ugh. I hate it every time I see it in a drama. Up with the Workers' Revolution!). And butter won't melt in JW's mouth as he is standing there, happily being treated as a thing...

That smirk, when he is outside, freaks me out.

Rich Boy eventually comes out and goes into this crazed rant about how MB could accept JW (btw, Rich Boy warned Daddy that JW may be in it for revenge and MB is all 'hey, if he is, it will make it even more interesting.' Too cocky, MB!) but that he, RB, never will so JW won't have much of a career as MB's son and heir hates him. Etc. JW is all 'I am not in it for revenge, just want to make $$$. Oh, and as I said, I will bark and crawl as I promised, how should I prove my loyalty?' I confess a part of me really wanted to have Rich Boy go 'bark and crawl you say? Lemme see that!' But alas, that little fetish fantasy was not to be, and instead Rich Boy harps back to his monomania - Su Hyun. He is all 'you dared touch her while she is mine blah blah blah I am insane and obsessive lock me up.' JW's response is that he doesn't love SH, Rich Boy can have her, he will prove it etc.

Su Hyun's phone rings and when she picks it up, it's Jung Woo, asking her to meet. I could happily murder him for putting that shining look on her face when he is just going to ruin it!

She babbles how happy she is to see him and how mad she was at him for not showing in Johannesburg and asks if his wound is OK etc etc. She is so happy she is not noticing his lack of response - he is like a very handsome robot (oooooh, idea! Cast HIM as Night in the kdrama version of Zettai Kareshi. He's got the perfect facial structure and the hotness for it).

And then he tells her he has something to say. He tells her that the things they said to each other in Johannesburg - let's forget them. She is uncomprehending - is he mad because she said she was angry about him not showing up? He should know she was joking! But he continues - he tells her that she thought it was love but he knows what her feelings for him really were is pity - she mistook that pity for love. And the same is true for him. And then he leaves, leaving her there, Rich Boy watching the entire scene from above.

The funny thing is - his comment to her about her mistaking pitying him for love - I bet he really believes it, too, at least partly - it wasn't just a speech to break up with her. And another thing I love? He breaks up with her (I was a lot more forgiving of his throwing away happiness with both hands when I realized later that by that point he knows his father killed her parents - nothing is possible between them once that fact was revealed) but it's not a horrible cruel break-up (the way Junpyo dumped Jandi in BOF - it was needlessly cruel, awful). It's about as kind as a break-up can be - it only hurts so badly because of the feelings involved, not because of the way the break-up was done.

While Jung Woo was able to hold it together enough to leave calmly, he is an utter wreck. This is basically not just the love of his life but a sort of his external soul that he's just pushed away. He doesn't just love her, he looks up to her and even worships her - the fact that she found him 'worthy' of love despite knowing the truth about him was so huge for him. And now...enjoy your nervous breakdown, kid.

I adore Su Hyun ridiculously. After the man she loves basically dumped her with no warning she doesn't fall apart or cuddle home with a pint of ice-cream and a cheesy movie. No, she quietly sits at a bar, methodically getting drunk and even able to have conversation with Rich Boy who, of course, pretends he doesn't know what's going on.

She gets pretty drunk though and Rich Boy brings her home to Roommie who, by now, is definitely convinced her friend is nuts to prefer a thug who broke her heart to her well-behaved, well-off admirer.

Meanwhile Jung Woo is still at the pier, remembeing the last nail in the coffin of his sanity - Cop telling him some time earlier about Su Hyun reopening her parents' murder case and telling Jung Woo that he believes Mob Boss had them offed.

What are friends for but to help each other during hangovers? :)

Su Hyun seeks out Jackson and asks WTF is going on with Jung Woo. Jackson can't enlighten her (he tells her of JW switching sides) but I enjoy watching them being sane together.

Jung Woo is given the job of convincing the congressman in charge of permits to allow Mob Boss' casino to have locals admitted (not just foreigners as is the current rule). Pity the man is incorruptible.

Never fear. Jung Woo comes up with a plan. A totally insane insane plan which involves Jung Woo having other thugs in MB's employ beat him up badly enough with aluminum basball bats that he breaks some ribs and other bones. Honey, if you want to self-harm, just use a box-cutter!

The next step of that plan is for him, with all those internal injuries, to lurk where the congressman's car will be driving, jump out, and get hit by a car. Then, when congressman asks if he needs help, to say he is fine and wave him away despite repeated offers of help. Hello, lunatic!

Guess who is in the hospital with 6 broken bones and reporting a hit-and-run! When worried out of his mind Congressman shows up, Jung Woo is all 'I have all these bones broken, do you think I would have turned down an offer of help if you offered? Hit-and-run can end a politician's career. Care to sign a permit?'

Mob Boss finds out Jung Woo achieved the impossible and also finds out how. He comes to visit JW in the hospital and JW is all "I did it because I wanted you to watch me and see what I can do for you' and MB is all 'I will watch so show me what you can do' and that is the most twisted, messed-up father/son dynamic EVER.

Hospital visits are clearly the new party time in Jeju because yet another visitor comes in - Jackson. I love this scene! he basically tells Jung Woo (a) get well soon and take care of yourself (b) because when we fight in the future I will forget our friendship but I want to fight a strong opponent and (c) if you are going "to live like trash", have the decency to let Su Hyun go - she is still hanging on.

Oh, Jackson, don't encourage him! Of course Jung Woo is always up for some further misery and self-destruction - I am beginning to wonder if he's a closet masochist in bed too! He calls up Su Hyun who gets excited again (she should know better but we've all been there) and meets her in a bar (covering up his injuries).

Su Hyun is all "I knew your acting like a total freakshow couldn't last long, WTF was your earlier behavior about?" and he interrupts her and is "I called you here for Rich Boy - there he is."

Su Hyun freezes for a second, angry tears in her eyes, and then she gets up, hauls off and slaps him. Hard enough to rock his head back. YESSSS.

This delicious dysfunction is to be continued in episode 14...

secondary otp, lee wan, doramas2, swallow the sun, ji sung, hurt/comfort, manpain, screencaps, sung yuri

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