Jung Woo, get some therapy, STAT

Mar 29, 2010 00:57

You need enough of it to keep an entire hospital busy for a year.

Causing yourself horrible emotional harm:

And physical harm:

And generally pushing away your friends and your lover to further some really twisted revenge on your father while believing you deserve nothing than their disdain anyway = NEED THERAPY. Or, you can just deal with it your way, via screaming and epic breakdown.

Seriously, just go for therapy, dude. It's easier on your vocal cords.

Am too tired to do a proper recap of eps 12-14 which will have to wait until tomorrow, but this simply needed to be said.

Also, this is totally uncanonical, based on no indication in the drama whatsoever and I bet the characters would be horrified to even think of it, but I kinda want Su Hyun and Jackson to get it on as a sort of hot, one-time-only deal of a one-night stand. Mainly because Su Hyun is awesome and deserves an awesome guy - Jung Woo is too busy having the nervous meltdown of the century courtesy of his little revenge scheme and wallowing in his 'I am only worthy of horribleness' issues and what's her other option? Wimpy rich boy with murderous tendencies? OTOH Jackson is pure awesome and the girl needs some consolation. Yeah, he's still in love with Amy but that's not happening any time soon - he's borrowed some of Jung Woo's crazy when it comes to that issue. So at least Jackson and Su Hyun can be hot and piney about their exes together. Well, I don't REALLY want it as it would wreck both my OTPs but it's fun to think about.

swallow the sun, ji sung, manpain, doramas2, screencaps

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