Swallow the Sun - episode 3. My favorite fictional trope in history comes into being

Mar 22, 2010 13:29

I must reiterate that I watch this drama for its deep take on revenge, ambivalence, and loss and not for the unreal hotness of Ji Sung.

Now that we are clear, let's proceed.

Rich Boy wakes up in the morning after Hero moved in to find his Bodyguard also cooks. The slashy vibes are kinda insane. And, seeing that Rich Boy is sort of a psychopath, kinda creepy.

This is the face of a man who is calculating where he will dump the body once he's done with his new toy. Seriously.

And then Rich Boy is all 'stop wearing hick clothes, it's embarassing me, take something from my closet. Just don't take my fishnets.'

Awww, adorable.

Ahhhh, and here my hatred of Rich Boy is first truly born. From this moment, every time I see him, I want to shove his head in. He meets his equally scummy friends, introduces Hero as someone who's his problem-solver and will even assassinate if needed for him (Hero tries to get out of that little introduction follow up - eeek)

And (here, here watch my hatred be born!) this girl comes up. She seems to be someone who likes Rich Boy and he's not interested. He brings Hero over and tells Girl - 'this is my assistant. He'll sleep with you if I ask him.' And walks off. DIEDIEDIEDIEYOUHORRIBLESCUMBAG! Whatever, you are treating your flunkie like a thing, at least he volunteered (though that does not mean you should take him up on the offer!) But how DARE you treat a woman that way? Ooooh, I want to stab you in the face! Luckily, the chick is just amused and asks poor flabbergasted Hero "would you sleep with me if I asked you?" LOL.

Rich Boy then spends the rest of the night in the edifying pursuit of spending his Daddy's money.

Stop looking so freakily like my favorite Vic Zhou! It is not allowed!

In the morning, he takes Hero over to some college and the following conversation ensues (praphrased) after which I decide Rich Boy should be locked up somewhere with padded walls.

Rich Boy: I took you here because there is this girl I might *gasp* like. All I know is her name.
Hero: Why don't you tell her you like her and you know, ask you out? She might not know you torture small puppies for fun?
Rich Boy: that's for normals. Forget it. Now, what I want you to do is track her down and bring her heart to me cooked. Steal it or take it (I am not paraphrasing the 'take the heart' part at all! The guy is nuts!)
Hero: ...
Rich Boy: If you do, I'll consider you passed my test and trust you. You said you wanted an opportunity and you said you'd bark and crawl if I said so. You can do that tonight in our bed.
Hero: ...
Rich Boy: Oh, and while you are at it, I want you to stalk her and find out everything: where she lives, who with, how she spends her day etc etc.
Hero: Am not going back to Jeju to starve plus have huge worthlessness complex. OK.

So he looks for her and finds her. It's Heroine - i.e. the girl (it's hinted, not explained) he liked when he was a kid in the orphanage (seeing her play the cello combined with her name totally IDed her for him).

Heroine is well-adjusted (run, girl, run!) and awesome. She can be all madonnaish while playing the cello but she is a hyper girl who looooves money and is not missish at all (she does some modelling and would love to do lingerie shots as they pay more (but she's too short), has no problem playing drunk customers' requests to get cash etc). I love this saint/mischievous spirit duality.

Are you shipping yet? (She is grinning because customer just gave her $$$)


I love her roommie.

Hero tries to weasel out of his creepy assignment but Rich Boy is 'no luck, I wanna see how far you'll go for me blah blah blah'. Die already please.


So he orchestrates a meet-cute with her roommie who is excited to meet a rich hottie (or so she believes) and willingly agrees to bring her friend to a party thrown by him.

Surprise! There is no party and Hero tells he arranged this so his Boss could meet Heroine.

Geee, what's future Boyfriend of the Year is doing right now? Ah yes, sexxing another woman.

He ditches his playpartner and rushes over however.

Hero pays off Roommie (who is pissed off) with some cash and some yummy self-loathing.

Meanwhile Rich Boy and Heroine get on pretty OK as Hero angsts watching. Best part?
Heroine: "Who was that guy?"
Rich Boy: "Oh, just my proxy."

And shortly after, Mob Boss calls Hero back and after asking whether Rich Boy has been a good son, asks him whether Hero would kill someone for him. What a wonderful family!

Don't do it!!!!!

swallow the sun, ji sung, lee wan, doramas2, sung yuri, screencaps, slash

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