Hello, emotional k.o. without warning is not fair!

Dec 12, 2009 11:38

That is so sneaky and unfair, Someday!

You lure me in with your low-key rhythm and your lyrical cinematography and your tender unspoken emotion. And so I get lulled and ignore the darker undercurrents which are always present, instead enjoying the slow uncertain transformation of Hana from a shut-off, emotionally frozen woman into a person of flesh and blood who discovers friendship and attraction and mystery, loving the little understated but oh-so-true conversations and the looping trips and the gorgeous drawings and the uncertain new chemistry she has with Seokman and her coming to terms with her mother and her discovery of the mystery of her elderly neighbor's life.

And so I go along, loving episode 7 so much (the scene with Hana waking up from her nightmare of her mother leaving and stretching out her hand only for Seokman to hold it, and then wipe her tears and smile at her and ask her if she wants to cry together and then they are lying on the bed in the living room (purely platonic btw) and talking about things, and he tells her about the whole story with his family and she touches his hair (she is rather touch-phobic) made me melt in about 18 ways and it was so quiet and undramatic).

So I go along, enjoying the mellowness and the quirkiness, and then...baaaaam. You spring this on me, Someday - how could you? And all of a sudden my favorite character is being beaten half to death and given three days to live (if he doesn't come up with the money by then, as he clearly won't, he either has to kill himself or 'volunteers' will do the job for him). None of it is out-of-nowhere or a surprise of any sort - it was clearly going towards something like this, but I forgoooooooot. And his lack of surprise and even acceptance of the end but a total unrelenting defiance at the same time...


I know he isn't going to die because it's ep 7, for goodness' sake, but I can't help it - the characters and their emotions feel so real that I can't bear it - I am too invested. Watching the freaking preview for ep 8 made me freaking BAWL. I am not making this up - I was sitting in the dark bedroom, waiting for Mr. Mousie to wake up, watching this and crying crying crying.

WTF, self?

No fair, drama!

ETA: I still can't believe I am the only person on my flist who's seen this drama - it's in my top 10 kdrama, guys, and nobody has heard of it! BOOOOO!

someday, doramas2

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