Love Shuffle: the end. My arguably favorite jdrama of all time comes to an end.

Nov 19, 2009 01:00

"I will protect you forever. Or something like that."

The rest of this post is brought to you by dangermousie's ghost.

You have no idea how hard it was to find a nonspoilery cap for above the cut.


I loved the break-up between Mei and Kei. Finally, they really talk and finally, I actually like them in a scene together (even if not as a couple).

Oh, that's a great idea - "Hello, we made you believe your girlfriend was dead but she isn't. Oh, and the real date on which she planned to kill herself on is actually next week so she might still go through with it so you'll have the fun of going through this TWICE. Isn't everything just peachy?" WTF WTF.

The bit where Kei told Yukki he is his best friend? LOVE LOVE LOVE.

So pretty. So OTP.

Oh Yukki, that is so not the way to go - buying Mei's father's corporation to blackmail them into letting him marry her. I mean, I'd be OK with it if Daddy was standing in the way of what Mei wanted but no - it's not Mei's choice either (what the girl really needs is to figure out what she wants and who she wants - it could likely be Yukki - but she does not need a quick wedding!) Oh Yukki. No. It is what he would do, of course, it's been established he doesn't understand limits the way a normal person would, but I was hoping he'd learn. I am actually not that mad at him - he is a social and emotional cripple who wouldn't know normal if it hit him in the face and his sole friend who is 'normal' is actually the one who suggested it so he must totally think it's fine. I am, however, mad at Kei, because he was the one who put Yukki up to this. What The Hell!!!!! I mean, even someone as out of it as Yukki didn't come up with it on his own, which should say something, it took Mei's seemingly normal ex to do that - a character I really loved until then. Now I want to stab him in his fucking face. I mean, clearly Ojiro's lesson from ep 3 (I think) about women not being possessions didn't stick.

OK, I am rather fine with it once they explain more - he won't touch her and they can get divorced once "this blows over". So basically it's a very weird, Yukki-like way of courting - it's like putting a placeholder guaranteeing them some time together so that she can be around him and the burgeoning feelings she had for him can, hopefully, grow. So yeah, Yukki is off the hook because he's always been a nutcase and within that, this is actually very sweet and, by Yukki standards, mild. In a way, it's like a weird way of forcing her to only actually talk to him (I honestly do think if she begged to be released, he would - he promised to release her later anyway - I guess if they are around each other for a bit but her feelings don't develop further.) Kei, OTOH, is not off the hook at all. GRRRR Kei!

And here I am, changing my mind yet again into yet more positive frame of mind! Because she totally tells him that she was scared of being alone (after she and Kei broke up) and there is hugging and "I could love you" (from her) which is AWESOME. Kei is off the hook because he clearly knew about her fear of loneliness and that is why he arranged that, but still - that was awfully bossy of him. Probably arising out of his insane sense of responsibility for those around him. I mean, just because he was right about knowing what she wanted and needed, it's still not cool to give it to her without consulting with her first! It's a good thing he will be with Airu because she will never put up with any pushing.

I think it amounts to a fact that I can't possibly do anything but love him when he is like this:

Ojiro is going back to being a war photographer! It's both awesome (I am sure it's at least partly motivated by the 'everyday' pics he started taking earlier) and scary (his issues! also can get killed!)

OMG it's Kairi's real birthday - and has Ojiro been watching her all this time?

ajhshdjfjfoefjeofjefhedjfhkdfjal I don't...I can't...OMGOMGOMGOMG.

They never do piggybacks in jdramas, never. I mean...

Kei! You are really shining.

This is just squeeful. It's what, long-distance dating insane style :)

OK, I think Ojiro just became my favorite character in this drama.

I like that Masato won't be alone now - because of the baby. Plus, he and Reiko do not love each other, but they can be good friends. Plus, she can keep up if he wants headgames.

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG She is going into the war zone with himOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. They can be awesome and hot together and he can take pictures of things blowing up and she can paint and they can make out in hovels askdjhfhofjdighhdf. And she can be his talisman against death and also the fact that she had to stand on a suitcase and...OK, I am sort of incoherent right now.

God, how I am going to miss them all!

Bloody finally! The most awesome part was when she slapped him and then pushed him up against the car to make out.

This drama is going on the list of my all-time favorite dramas and Kairi/Ojiro on my list of all-time OTPs.

I would so kill for some after-the-end fic! And I want to rewatch it all again and wake up my husband and tell him I love him and volunteer at a soup kitchen and and and and...

Seriously. There are no words for how much I adored this.

ETA: I just realized I skipped capping ep 9. Too much crying on my part to cap. Hmmm...

doramas2, love shuffle, screencaps, matsuda shota

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