1. I have been quietly watching Someday and am through episode 6 - it's such a lovely, understated gem. I don't care for Kim Min Joon's secondary-guy shrink a bit though - he seems very controlling - in a benign enough way but it rubs me the wrong way.
2. Ep 4 of Next Stop Happiness is out subbed. Oh my GUH. It's every teen fantasy I ever had. My rational, 31-year-old self knows that the male slut bad boy is just an immature selfish jerk and not a wounded darling who will turn into the man of your dreams under the influence of love and will be willing to protect you from anything, from beatings and an abusive stepfather to a court hearing. Not to mention do it all while looking like Vanness in a suit. But my inner 14-year-old does not care. Muchen and Guanxi are such a total utter OTP - I have no words. The way he was in court? He basically confessed his love to her in front of everyone. EEEEEEEEE. And the way he keeps her spirits up and teases her? GUUUH. But I love that Muchen is quiet but ridiculously strong - things just can't break her. Which is just as well, as the preview for ep 5 promises ridiculous amounts of soul-tearing angst (and a night of passion or two - YESSS). Seriously, this is made by my id.
3. I have watched ep 2 of JIN and it continues to be so very excellent.
I am madly in love with our protagonist (no character type gets me as much as a suffering good guy and Jin is such a heroic person - the way he works through cholera epidemic OMG - I love him for his heroic effort but even more that he hesitated worried about changing the timeline but then decided it did not matter, he had to save people) but I love every other character so much too - from the future leader of rebellion (who steals every scene he is in) to Saki (I continue to love Saki and Jin's dynamic - it's not romantic in the least but her thirst to learn and his admiration for her will are so wonderful) to everyone else.
4. Speaking of gorgeousness and protagonists, a few more stills of Jang Hyuk's slave hunter from Chuno are out. He seems to be under the mistaken impression that, being low class, slave hunters are not allowed shirts with buttons. Poor thing.