My, my, what big...teeth you have. Yes. Teeth.

Sep 08, 2009 10:18

There are some stories involving vampires that are plain brilliant: Buffy, for one. There are some, like True Blood, which are very romance-novel entertaining and sexy. There are some, like Twilight, which are regressive but wish-fulfilmenty for teen girls.

And then there is this:

This is the promo pic for upcoming Vampire Diaries tv show on CW, every bit as trashy as anyone could dream of.

My eyes! LJ Smith's silly but inoffensively enjoyable books have been turned into this - I am not precisely sure what "this" is, but whatever it is, it's in another galaxy from tasteful. Many have theorized that vamp appeal is sexualized/biting=sex etc etc, but I don't think I have ever seen it as tackily in your face as this - "watch us, we got a threesome!" screams the poster. It looks like the kind of flick they used to show really late on cinemax :)

Also, why does the vamp on the left look like someone's retarded hillbilly cousin?

I am so going to watch. Since when have I been able to resist a trainwreck?

In drama news, I am so excited for Heading to the Ground. We have drama cpr! That's one way to meet someone.

l j smith, heading to the ground, doramas2, teevee

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